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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"It was his birthday... he would've turned 10 today," Taehyung found himself unable to shake off the haunting image he had witnessed earlier. Too terror-stricken to make a sound, he remained seated on the ground, tears flowing unabatedly. Completely oblivious to the passage of time, he was consumed by his thoughts.

"Why me? Why is it always me? What did I do to deserve this? Why? Why? WHYYYY?" Frustration and fear drove Taehyung to pound his head against his knees and pull at his hair. Unbeknownst to him, someone was silently observing his turmoil.

Taehyung spent the entire night in that position, his tears refusing to cease and his head never lifting.

"How long will you rely on others to save you? Can't you, for once, help yourself? Can't you escape from something on your own?" A voice within him demanded answers, prompting Taehyung to feel small and inadequate. "It's true! So true. How much longer will you expect others to be your saviors? First Jimin, then Baekhyun. And now? What's next? What's next?" He scolded himself, lifting his head abruptly. His nose was pink from crying, and his cheeks were stained from dried tears. He took a shaky breath.

"I'm going to escape."

A satisfied smile formed on the face of the person watching through the screen, witnessing Taehyung mustering courage. "Good luck, boy," he murmured before lying down on the bed.

As the morning light filtered in, Taehyung woke up from his uncomfortable sleep on the ground. He proceeded to the bathroom to freshen up. "You smell, Taehyung," he chided himself, removing the zipper from his shoulder. The dried bloodstains on his shoulder were evident, prompting him to unbutton his shirt and wash away the stains.

After tending to his hair, he sat on the bed, his mind consumed by thoughts of how to carry out his escape plan. Soon, the metallic door swung open, revealing the person from yesterday carrying a plate of food. "Here, eat, boy," he offered, placing the plate on the bed. As he turned to leave, Taehyung spoke up, "Take it back. I don't want to eat." He retreated further to maintain distance from the food tray.

"Eat, boy. It's going to be a long journey. You won't make it at this rate. Look at yourself, just the thought of what could happen has turned you into a living corpse. You need sustenance to survive," the mint-haired boy reasoned, pushing the tray closer to Taehyung. "Take your food and your sympathetic words and leave, Yoongi," Taehyung retorted, pushing the tray away.

Yoongi firmly grabbed Taehyung's jaw, pulling his face close. "Calm down, baby boy. If it weren't for JK, you wouldn't last another second. Don't test my patience, and do as you're told," Yoongi warned, tapping gently on Taehyung's jaw before releasing him.

"Were you the one who was lingering at the store late?" Taehyung asked, locking gazes with Yoongi, who smirked and approached. "Now you've figured it out. Good for you, boy. Yes, it was me. Now maybe you understand why I was there in the first place."

"Why am I here? Why?" Taehyung's desperation showed, and he lunged at Yoongi with the knife he had taken from the tray. However, Yoongi caught the blade mid-air, snatched it from Taehyung's grip, and tossed it aside. "That's not my story to tell. Now I'll take my leave. Eat and rest," Yoongi instructed, winking at Taehyung before departing.

"Feisty, huh?" Jungkook commented, observing the interaction between Yoongi and Taehyung. A smile crept onto his face. "This should be entertaining. Let the game begin," he murmured, his gaze fixed on Taehyung, who continued to stare at the ground.


Taehyung had no sense of time. He just wanted to escape this situation. Pondering his options, he suddenly noticed the door opening once more. This time, it was Jackson, whom Taehyung recognized immediately. "Leave. Take this back. I'm not hungry. Just go," he instructed, looking straight at Jackson.

"Tae, I was just..." Jackson began.

"It's Taehyung, and I don't want to hear it. Get out," Taehyung cut him off, flinging the same knife at Jackson. "Hey, hey, calm down, boy," Jackson said, picking up the knife and leaving the room. However, he forgot to lock the door, giving Taehyung the opening he had been waiting for. Without a second thought, he dashed towards the door, looked around, and left the room.

Seeing no one outside, Taehyung felt a glimmer of hope and dashed towards the mansion's main gate. He retraced the path he had taken the day before, sprinting as fast as his legs would carry him. He reached the main door and left the mansion behind him.

The route from his room to the gate felt suspiciously easy to him, but he dismissed the thought and kept running down the unfamiliar road. When he spotted a phone booth, he ran towards it, unsure of what else to do. He dialed the first number that came to mind: Jimin's.

Dialing the number, he waited anxiously, but there was no response. Trembling, he tried again. His body was in shambles, his mind spiraling into panic. Looking around nervously, he hung up the phone, about to leave when he hesitated, turned back, and dialed another number.

"Answer the call, hyung," Taehyung pleaded as the phone rang.


"H-Hyung... Hyung."

"Tae, Tae, what happened? Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Bae-Baekhyun, please help me. I-I'm being kid..." His sentence remained unfinished as a presence behind him sent a shiver down his spine. The door creaked open, and without mustering the courage to look back, Taehyung continued speaking into the phone, "Tae... Tae, where are you? Hello? Tae, are you listening? Whe..." The line suddenly went silent.

"You truly believed I would let you escape so easily?" The same commanding voice from yesterday reached Taehyung's ears. Too terrified to turn around, he trembled violently, his vision blurred by tears. Overwhelmed by fear, he was utterly petrified.

Jungkook seized Taehyung's collar, delivering a harsh punch to his jaw. Taehyung collided with the side of the booth and crashed to the

ground. Jungkook hauled him back up, only to administer another punch, this time to his stomach. Taehyung's body hit the unforgiving tiles of the living room, and he crumpled to the floor. "Get up," Jungkook roared, urging Taehyung to his feet once more. However, before he could regain his footing, Jungkook's fist struck him hard, causing Taehyung to collide with a pillar. "P-plea..." Taehyung's plea was cut short by yet another blow to his stomach, resulting in a violent cough that expelled blood. Collapsing, he endured a barrage of kicks.

Jungkook, consumed by anger, seemed blind to everything else. None of his men dared to intervene. Taehyung, severely injured, teetered on the edge of consciousness, slipping in and out.

"JK, you'll kill him. Stop now," a voice pierced through, but Jungkook paid it no heed. "JK, STOP!" the voice insisted. Jungkook's eyes widened as though suddenly awakening from a trance. He turned to face the speaker. "Namjoon hyung," he whispered, taking in his surroundings. "Take him away, lock him up."

With that directive, Jungkook left the scene, his eyes cast one last time on the near-lifeless figure of the brunette. "Call Jin hyung," he ordered, retreating to his office. Namjoon followed him. "I need some time alone," Jungkook stated, shutting the door in Namjoon's face.

"Did I kill him? What came over me? That wasn't me."

Hi Army 💜💜
Thank you so much to everyone who read and commented on this story ...
I Purple you💜💜

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