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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Taehyung was frozen on his lace. His mind was a mess, mess of unwanted and not to peaceful thoughts.

"Yes, and he got shot because he was busy calling you. How was taken off guard." 

"Yes, and he got shot because he was busy calling you. How was taken off guard." 

"Yes, and he got shot because he was busy calling you. How was taken off guard." 

"Yes, and he got shot because he was busy calling you. How was taken off guard." 

"Yes, and he got shot because he was busy calling you. How was taken off guard." 

It was hard for him to calm his heart beat and to clear his mind. He can't even move. It feels like his legs just stuck to the ground. His tears kept flowing down the face and he felt his chest tightening. With trembling hands, he got hold of his shirt over his heart and squeezed it tightly to get rid of the pain but it doesn't seem futile because the pain kept on increasing.

"P-Please be safe." He for the first time felt this way. A thought of not having certain person in front of his eyes and even the thought of him getting hurt was enough to stop his heart.

it's love, isn't it?

He loves him!!

He fell for a mafia.

Should he be proud? Or should he be worried that this path is not easy. 

"He will be okay; he has to be" he wiped the tears and ran inside.

"I want to go to Jungkook." He said getting Maria's attention.

"They left" Maria replied.

"I know. I want to go see him please. Let me go see him.....H-He is not okay. P-please let me see him." Taehyung was finding it hard to breath and talk. Maria turns around to see Taehyung over his knees and breathing hard.

"Taehyung... baby you need to calm down he will be kay. It's not the first time he is being shot. He has dodged the death so many times he'll be okay. Calm down please." She said worriedly watching the way Taehyung was breaking down.

She might not be a love expert but she knows one thing, Taehyung has fallen for Jungkook the same way Jungkook did.

"C-Chim said.....H-he was shot, B-bec-ause of me, he w-was taking to me and was shot. I-I'm the one responsible for this" he said in between his sobs.

"Jimin is an idiot okay. I'm sure if JK get to know about this he will beat Jimin's ass." She joked to lighten his mood. "Calm down baby. Breath for me please."

"I want to go please. Help me get to him" Taehyung never felt this restless before.

"Okay let me see if there is someone who can......"

"You come with me." Taehyung cut him off.

"Tae you trust me, right?" she asked. Taehyung nodded.

"Then trust me I'll get you there. Wait here okay I'll be back." She replied and Taehyung nodded again sitting on the floor waiting till Maria comes back.

"Please stay safe." He murmured again.


"How long will it take?"  Jimin shouted at Jackson.

"We are almost there. His tracker is moving. He must be moving" Jackson said worried.

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