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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Wake up...." a splash of water hit his face. He jolted awake and looked at the one who did it.

"Wakie wakie Mr Kim." Jungkook bent to get on his level. Min-Ho jerked his face back to get away from the dark, terrifying eyes of ravenette.

"Awww are you scared Mr Kim?" Jungkook said pouting.

"Peease...." He said trying to get his jaw out of younger's hold.

"Are you saying something? Wait let me hear your properly." Jungkook said and pulled the tape off of other's mouth who screamed in return.

"Now what were you saying?" Jungkook said voice cold and face void of any emotion. He look like he is made of stone who don't even get affected by the deadly screams of other person.

"Please end this..... Kill me...." Min-Ho said . Jungkook looked at th chair infront of Min-Ho.

His corpse were decomposing and the smell was unable to bear. Once good looking face of Min-Jae was now destroyed by the cut marks.

His body was naked lying on the chair, more like slumbing on the chair. His lower part of the body badly destroyed, and the dried blood stains making it more difficult to bear.

Jungkook looked back at Min-Ho and smirked while placing his foot between the parted legs of old man and with his elbow over his thigh and hand placed down his chin he said.

"Don't you like your favorite son's company......" Jungkook said causing the other to shook his head Vigorously and trying to speak between his sobs.

"H-he is d-dead..... L-let h-him b-e at p-peace...." the words infuriated Jungkook even more and he kicked the chair causing the other to fall on his ground on his back tied to the chair.

"LET HIM BE AT PEACE!!!" Jungkook pulled him up by the collar and placed a heavy punch on his jaw.

"He didn't woke up since that day and you are worried about this....... only a dead body..... why did you bore your seed in her when you were going to be a dickhead dad for him." Another punch and Min-Ho's had the taste of blood in his mouth due to the busted lips.

"He isn't my son..... He is only a mistake..." Min-Ho bluntly said.

"A mistake you made...." Jungkook said choking him.

"Kill me....." Min-Ho said as his face became red because of the forceful grip of Jungkook on his neck.

"Oh no no no no i won't let you die that easily." Jungkook said pushing him back and turned to the dead body.

"You called him a mistake then what was he? Your pride? Right? Here let me crush it one more time." Jungkook said and in one swift move he separated his head from his body.

"NOOOOOO" Min-Ho screamed seeing the head of his son the ground.

"How dare he did that to him...... he was his brother God damnit......" Jungkook said and kicked the head causing him to hit the wall.

"You will get worse than that..... he was not alive but you will get all you deserve. I'll make sure of it." Jungkook said. "I won't let you take another person i love from me."

"I pray that he never wakes up." Min-Ho shouted causing Jungkook to halt in his way. He turned his eyes red and hand fisted.

"SHUT UP." Jungkook hit the back of his Gun on Min-Ho's forehead and he went unconscious. Jungkook stood there hands trembling and tears already streaming down his face.

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