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100 reads..... Thank you soo much to everyone who read this book...
Seriously I'm happy that you guyz atleast gave it a try. Comment and tell me how you feel about this book..
I purple you💜💜

Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

The door swung open, and Taehyung was yanked out of the car unceremoniously, causing him to trip and tumble to the ground. He could feel the warmth of sand beneath him and sensed that his hands were no longer bound. Swiftly removing the blindfold, he surveyed his surroundings. A desert? A DESERT?

Stretching out before him was an expanse of sand that seemed to stretch endlessly as far as his eyes could reach. Rising to his feet, he turned his gaze to the person who had abducted him, the sole individual besides himself donning a surgical mask. Concealed behind the mask, the person's eyes bore an intense darkness that made Taehyung squirm under their gaze. On the brink of speaking, he hesitated.

"Run," the person uttered, and Taehyung found himself momentarily uncertain about what he had just heard. "S-sorry?" he questioned, seeking to confirm the instruction, but immediately regretting it as the person took a step closer and firmly clasped his arm, repeating the command with clarity.

"Run. I won't pursue you. But if I spot you, I'll..." The person's words trailed off, yet Taehyung needed no further prompting. Without waiting for the sentence to conclude, he bolted as fast as his legs would carry him. Yet, where could he possibly flee? The terrain was flat, devoid of hiding spots. Ignoring the obstacles and his own exhaustion, he sprinted with all his might, pushing the limits of his physical capacity.

Observing the brunette's frantic flight, the raven-haired boy smirked, privately noting, "He certainly has a will to survive." With a wry smile, he shifted his attention to the car, leaning against the door while gripping a gun in his hand. Remaining there for fifteen minutes, he saw that the brunette didn't cease his efforts even once. Despite numerous stumbles, he pressed on.

Growing increasingly bored, the raven-haired boy aimed the gun at the fleeing figure, capturing a perfect image for his purpose.

Bang, bang, bang.

Taehyung's body fell lifelessly onto the warm sand. The raven-haired boy turned his attention back to the car, got in, and drove away, leaving the motionless form behind.


"You may seem innocent, but you must pay for his transgressions. I apologize."

From the driver's seat, a boy glanced at the unconscious figure in the backseat via the rearview mirror.

"I suggest you concentrate on driving and refrain from speaking," the raven-haired man admonished in a stern tone, directing an intense glare towards the boy seated in front. It was a clear warning, urging him to maintain silence. Yet, the boy remained oblivious to the atmosphere, seemingly stuck in a chatty mode.

"JK, he does appear genuinely innocent. Do you believe it was right to abduct him?" The boy raised the question once more, largely ignoring the glare emanating from the raven-haired man. "Do you perhaps think you're applying excessive thought with your barely functional brain, Jackson? Concentrate on the task assigned to you, that should suffice," Jungkook retorted, averting his gaze to the unconscious boy. Jackson's words did linger in his thoughts, but the image of Minho's face quickly overshadowed any doubt he felt. Abruptly, the brunette began hyperventilating, causing Jungkook to panic. He was about to reach out, but the screeching of brakes halted the car. They had arrived at the mansion.

Exiting the car, Jungkook pulled open the back door and tapped the brunette's shoulder in an attempt to rouse him. However, no response came. Growing impatient, he retrieved his gun.

Bang, bang, bang.

He fired three shots into the air, causing the brunette to flinch as though roused from a nightmarish dream. The boy shifted his gaze towards Jungkook, who shot him an irate look.

"Earth to you, boy," another voice sounded, and the brunette quickly recognized it. "I'm alive?"

"What was that? A dream?"


"Who's JK?"

"Why am I here?"

"Ahh, what's happening?"

His chain of thoughts shattered when he sensed a touch on his shoulder, his bloodied shoulder. Glancing downwards, he noticed a hard object at his feet. When he turned his head to investigate further, he gasped in realization. Swiftly, he turned his gaze back to Kai, who was crying inconsolably. The head of a child lay on the ground, its eyes and mouth wide open, a testament to the agony that accompanied its demise.

To say that Taehyung was terrified would be an understatement – he was utterly horrified. The echoes of Jackson's words reverberated in his mind, intermingling with his own fears and anxieties. He heard footsteps approaching, followed by mumbling from Kai, who lamented, "It was his birthday... he would've turned ten today." Another heartrending scream pierced the air.

"Two days. Just two days. Not a moment beyond," Jungkook's voice commanded, leaving Jackson shocked. Jackson grabbed Kai's arm and led him out of the room, urging him to leave the sight of the gruesome scene. "Yoongi hyung," Jungkook called, but received no response. "YOUNGI!" he shouted once more, summoning a short, blond-haired boy with a quick gait. Standing before Jungkook, he awaited instructions.

"Secure him and report back to me," Jungkook ordered, his gaze now fixed on the trembling brunette. Jungkook returned to his paperwork.

Yoongi, his expression unreadable, locked the brunette in a cramped room furnished with a solitary bed and a bathroom. Without a word, he left the room, leaving Taehyung alone. Stumbling towards the bed, Taehyung collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion. Tears welled in his eyes as he ruminated on the terrifying events and their implications. Stricken by terror, he felt paralyzed, afraid to even emit a sound. Clutching his knees to his chest, he buried his head, sobbing relentlessly until his energy was completely depleted.

Hello Army💜💜
I'm so happy to have 100 reads. Comment and vote to show your support.
Here is the new chapter read and let me k ow you liked it or not😊
I purple you 💜💜

Innocent (TaeKook)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें