Chapter 51

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Prakriti P.O.V

Next morning after the wedding, all the kshatriyas gathered in Virata's sabha to discuss other purpose which included political affairs and most importantly the upcoming war. Being elders King Drupad and Virata King sat at the head of the council; beside Drupad sat my brother Balaram and Satyaki. Elder brother Yudhishtira and Brother Krishna sat next to King Virata. As a General Secretary, I sat beside Elder brother, Krishne's sons were there, five young lions, with their fathers and uncles: brother Bheem, Arya, and twins. Brother Krishna's sons were here too, Pradyumn and Samba. They have become young warrior now, last time I saw them, they were just little kids playing beside the shore. I internally sighed in sadness remembering the time I have missed. Little warrior sat between his father and Uncle Krishna. He got married yesterday but now he is here among us leaving his wife behind, I told him to not attend this sabha but he wouldn't budge, he said he can't run away from his duty and dharma and this is important. I couldn't say any more and let him join in the meeting.

It started with some polite chat, mainly about the wedding. Then Brother Krishna rose from his seat and everyone fell silent waiting for him to speak. "There is no one here who does not know that perfidy sent the Pandavas into exile; we all know about the game of dice and how
Shakuni cheated Yudhishtira" he started speaking retelling about the past thirteen years.

"Yudhishtira lost his kingdom, his wealth, his army, everything he owned, not on the field of battle but at a low game where he never stood any chance of winning. Thirteen years the Pandavas, Prakriti and Draupadi spent in the wilderness like beggars. Though Yudhishtira could have crushed Duryodhana in war and taken back what was his, he never did so" I gave a glance to Elder brother who was sitting beside me with unknown emotion crossing over his face. "Even now, after all that he and his family have endured, this saintly man speaks only of peace. He speaks of dharma still" Brother Krishna paused and looked around him. "Yudhishtira does not want war. He does not want bloodshed, but peace. I think we should send a messenger to Hastinapur and ask for half the kingdom. But first, let us hear what the rest of us have to say" He said and got back on his seat taking his place, for once there was no smile on his face.

Then Brother Balram stood up from his place, my body tense when he started speaking, he said it wasn't all Duryodhan fault that Elder brother lost, when everyone knew that Shakuni is the best dice player on this earth then why Elder brother played against him. I clenched my jaw in anger, he is my brother and here he is still taking side of his beloved student, he had certainly heard a very special version of the game of dice from Duryodhan, whom he still doted on.

Atmosphere in the sabha become tense because everyone was against Duryodhan and Brother Balram was praising him in front of us. "And since Duryodhana cannot be blamed for what Yudhishtira brought upon himself, we must be careful that our messenger speaks in a conciliatory manner to the Kauravas. I say we must prevent war at all costs. Our messenger must be a soft-spoken man, a master of diplomacy" he completed and sat back in his seat. I for once not in the favor of what my brother just said, did he forget that his student sent us in forest to live for thirteen years away from our family after disrespecting us. I was hurt by his words so does my family, I could see Arya clenching his jaw to stop himself from lashing out and Brother Bheem was another story, he was looking down so that no one could see the fire burning in his eyes. I slowly stood up from my seat and moved forward in the middle, everyone looked at me waiting for me to speak. I stared at my brother Balram and opened my mouth to speak "I agree with Brother Balram" I started, shock spread in the whole sabha by my words. A smile appeared on Brother Balram's face. "Elder Brother shouldn't have played the game of dice but tell me one thing brother" I looked into shesnaag eyes calmly "You are saying it was Elder Brother fault when he was the one invited by King of Hastinapur to play and denying the King would have been disrespect to the pride of King. And when they played the game, it was Duryodhan who put his brother on stake and wouldn't let Elder Brother go until the game was finished" I said, smile dropped from his face but I wasn't finished yet.

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