Chapter 38

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Prakriti P.O.V

We thought our Agyatvasa would be the hardest but due to the kindness of King Virata and its people we were happy and occupied with our work, its been four months since I entered in the city as Manha, I have spent most of my time here in the chamber and sometimes went with the Princess to Dancing hall where my Arya teach her dancing, That is the only time I can see my Arya and that too in Brihannala form. He looked happy when he was surrounded with music, it is clearly shown on his face and Chitrasena taught him very well, now he can even dance better than any celestial nymph. Its been months since I last saw twins as they work outside the Castle and I can't go outside without any valid reason. Elder Brother has become close to King Virata, I saw couple of days ago when I went to tell Princess message to her Father, Elder Brother was standing close beside King throne and he looked content with the situation. Meeting Brother Bheem was nearly impossible as I didn't get the opportunity to visit kitchen. I wanted to meet Brother Bheem and eat the dishes he made in the kitchen from his hand. I saw Krishne many time during the past months because she is Queen's maid and Queen adored her very much so she stays beside her most of the time and whenever Princess Uttara went to meet her mother, I tagged along every time to see Krishne, she didn't look happy but she wasn't sad either so that was relief for me.

Now it was Festival time when Siva was worshiped in the city. There was a tournament of wrestling and contestants came from all over Bharatavarsha to show their prowess. King Virata's wrestlers were renowned for their skill and strength and one of them had never failed to take the prize. King Virata was sitting on his throne in the arena, Elder Brother was standing beside him looking around, other than that there was no member of our family available in the arena. I was standing beside Princess Uttara throne staring at the vast ring for wrestling competition. "Do you like wrestling, Princess?" I asked Uttara curiously, she doesn't seem like a person who would like war and fights. She looked at me and gave a soft chuckle "I am not least bit interested in war" she responded, I was confused, then why is she here? "I am here because I want to see the dance performance by dancer after our Kingdom win the game" she continued and looked at the arena where wrestler started filling for the game. I smiled and turned my face to watch the game. Virata Kingdom's wrestler were winning the game until one person came and started gaining victory over our wrestler. "I am Jimuta and know that I am the greatest wrestler in the world and none of your puny fighters can face me. I am as strong as ten lions, so let every wrestler in Virata beware!" he declared standing in the middle of arena after defeating his opponent, he looked straight in the eyes of Virata King and smirked.

"That's why I don't like this game, see this person is so conceited" Princess Uttara muttered in dislike. I stared at Jimuta blankly, he is a good wrestler but he is too full of himself. If he was in Indraprastha then Brother Bheem would have thrown him out after defeating him in seconds. But here we can't showcase our ability. Right now the greatest wrestler is cooking food for the feast, I sighed and stand there looking in the arena. Then I looked towards King Virata, he was whispering to Elder Brother, his eyes shining with anger. After the discussion between them for couple of minutes, King Virata sent a man inside the Castle and the man came back with Brother Bheem, my breath hitched in my throat as I saw Brother Bheem walking towards King Virata. My eyes met Elder Brother and he blinked his eyes in reassurance, I gave him a quick nod back believing in his decision, he won't make any mistake that will expose us, I trust him. I stared at Brother Bheem, my eyes shining with tears, its been months since I last saw him, I missed the banter and teasing between us, I missed him. I quickly moved my eyes away so that no one would suspect anything.

"Why did Father call Ballava here, is he going to fight?" Princess Uttara asked, "But is he cook, isn't he?" she further added, I bowed my head a little before speaking "Princess, I saw Ballava fighting in Indraprastha, he is great wrestler" I praised saying the truth, she looked at me surprised "If you are saying then he must be" she smiled. 

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