Chapter 48

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Uttara P.O.V

I stood there for couple of minutes staring at the door from where Prince Abhimanyu just left. I know what I did was wrong but destroying life's because I wasn't strong enough to face the truth would have been more wrong. Now I have to find my Prince but from where would I start? I don't even know his name nor I know that if he likes me or not. I groaned and sat on the bed, now I am feeling that I am the most stupid person, without any confirmation, I took the most important decision of my life not thinking about the consequences.

What if he doesn't like me?

What if he deny my love because he is brother of Prince Abhimanyu?

What if---

I sighed and lie down staring at the ceiling, what should I do now!

Love is not always easy but love is always right and worth fighting for !

I remembered Lord Krishna words to me that gave me boost and I stand up, clenching my fist in determination. I will search for him and tell him about my feelings even if he denies it, atleast I won't have regret in my life. I walked out of the door, I will have to face my fear, I took a decision, I will remain firm on it. Everyone was busy in the preparation of wedding, I ignored it and went out of the Castle. I will go outside of the Kingdom, I will meet my mysterious Prince today even if people question me about it. "Charioteer, ready the chariot I have to visit outside of the Kingdom" I called to the charioteer, he quickly nodded his head and moved out. I slowly walked outside and get on the chariot riding towards the pandavas city. 

It's time to face the truth.

Abhimanyu P.O.V

I walked out of her chamber, my heart hurting more as I remember her words. I had a tiny hope inside me that maybe it was all a misunderstanding that's why I wanted to hear it from her mouth but now everything is clear. I have to talk to mother, I know she will be hurt by the news but letting her know the truth is important, I can't give her false hope anymore. When I moved towards Uncle, he looked at me giving me a small smile. I tried to smile back but I couldn't, his smile vanished as he looked at me sadly. "What happened, son?" he asked as I reached near him. I sighed and told him everything. There is no point in hiding anything. People are going to find out either way when the wedding will be called off. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me one of his serene smile. "Son, whatever is in our fate, no one can take it, if Uttara would be destined to be with you, she will be with you" he said truthfully, I sighed, I know what he is saying is truth and I have come to accept it. "Now, don't be sad, come on, we have to talk to your mother as well" he said taking me towards the chariot. I closed my eyes and grimaced, Mother is going to be furious. 

We went towards our city and slowly walked towards mother's chamber. "Don't worry, I know your mother, she is going to be fine" Uncle said in reassurance but his face said otherwise, he looked kind of scared to go there. I stopped in my track, he looked at me raising his eyebrows. "Uncle, I think I should go there alone" I said, he visibly sighed in relief, if the situation wasn't so serious I would have laughed. "Take care son" he said and with that I walked away from him. I entered in her chamber, she was using her fire element, creating a ball in her palm and changing it into shapes. I stood there mesmerizing, when I was kid, she used to do this for me. I was always fascinated with her powers. Suddenly my face fell as I saw the fire taking shape of two individuals who were putting garlands in each other's neck. She is thinking about my marriage with Uttara. "Mother" I said clearing my throat, her head snapped towards me and a smile appeared on her face, ball vanished away from her hand. "Little warrior, come here and sit beside me" she said with a smile beckoning me to come towards her. I slowly walked towards her and with hesitation sit beside her. She turned around and put her palm on my cheek. "I was busy in all the preparation, I couldn't even get the time to spend with my son, But now I am free and we will talk so much, my dear" she said in her loving voice caressing my cheek. I nodded my head painfully, tears started brimming in my eyes all of sudden seeing the happiness in her eyes. Slowly her smile faded away "What happened, my little warrior?" she asked frowning. 

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