Chapter 20

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Third Person P.O.V

Duryodhana was pacing in his chamber, his eyes red with tears and anger burning in them, he wanted revenge for what happened to him in the Maya Sabha, how those Pandavas laughed at his expense, how that woman Draupadi howled with laughter like it was a big joke. Shakuni entered in his nephew chamber, his eyes widened as he looked around the chamber, everything was broken and this place reeks of alcohol, his eyes went towards his nephew who looked like he haven't washed himself in weeks, his hair was wild, his face was unwashed and he wore the same clothes he was wearing days before, all in all he looked miserable. Shakuni quickly closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed looking at his nephew sorrowful face. Abruptly Duryodhana fell down on his uncle feet "I can't bear it anymore, Uncle Shakuni! You must help me, or I will die of the dreadful thing burning in me. Help me, please help me." he cried out, tears flowing down from his face and he started sobbing. Shakuni stroked his head gently "What do you want, my dear nephew?" he asked caressing him, he can do anything for his nephew. "I am ill with sorrow! Sorrow eats my heart. Uncle Shakuni, you say you love me; I beg you, help me." He howled in pain, he was fevered and panting. "I will never be well again until I see my cousins destroyed. If you really care for me, Uncle make me emperor of the world. Or this ravening envy will devour my life."

Shakuni took his nephew hand in his and seemed to be lost in thoughts. He was making plans to destroy Pandavas in his mind. Duryodhana began to pace the room tensely. He gnashed his teeth and balled his hands into fists. "I would rather die fighting them, than let them be. You don't understand what this means to me: fate has conspired with my cousins to humiliate me." Duryodhana stopped pacing. He saw the smile on his uncle's face and cried, "You have an idea! I can see you have thought of something." He was at Shakuni's side, grasping his hand. "Tell me what you have thought!".

"The Pandavas are invincible warriors; but there is another weapon we can use against them. They are men of honor: that is their strength; it is also their weakness. We must use their own nobility against them." Shakuni said with a sly smile on his face. "Don't speak in riddles, my heart will stop!" Duryodhana snapped, he was impatient, he wanted to get rid of his cousins as soon as possible. Shakuni went on dreamily, as if he was talking to himself, "I can make all of their wealth and even their kingdom yours, Duryodhana. I can make you emperor of the world. And not an arrow shall be loosed, or a sword drawn, or a drop of blood spilled." Duryodhana quickly went beside him and sat in front of him, his eyes shining with hope. "Your cousin, the emperor, has a weakness for gambling, You must invite Yudhishtira to a game of dice and I will play for you. Your cousin will lose everything to you: his wealth, his army, his kingdom, everything" he said rolling his dice in his hands, he was so sure about his ability. 

Duryodhana had grown very still. "At dice?" he asked.

Shakuni nodded. "You must convince your father to invite Yudhishtira to Hastinapur for a game. Once the Pandava comes, the rest will be as easy as taking a toy from a child."

"I want Pandavas on my feet, I want them to be my slave, I want that characterless woman to be part of my haram, she will tend to my every need and I will show her, her place, I want Prakriti to be my wife, her place is beside me not with that worthless Arjuna." he said frowning, he want them to be his slave and he want Yadava Princess as his wife, she was the only one who never treated him differently, she didn't even laugh at him, she even helped him in that time. He wanted her so badly, he liked her since he saw her when they were children. She was different than any other girl he ever met, there is a calm aura around her and he needs her in his life. Shakuni started chuckling but there was no humor behind it. "Are you out of your mind, you want Prakriti as your wife!" he exclaimed laughing, his voice ringing in the whole chamber. Duryodhana frowned, did he say anything wrong? No, he just spoke his desire.

Prakriti (Mahabharata)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora