Chapter 56

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Third P.O.V

Both of them have taken their cosmic form, everyone shut their eyes closed because of the light coming from them but Bheeshm, Drona, Vidur and Rishis who were present in the sabha gazed at their form without blinking their eyes because the lord gave them the power to see them. Suddenly a miracle happened, King Dhritarashtra who was blind all his life, who can never see was given the sight. Tears started falling from his eyes as he took the sight in. He fell on his knees and cried "My eyes can see now, I am blessed that you both sat in my sabha and showed yourself to me like this". Suddenly ground began to quake, water started boiling in seas, wind was howling. People were running in fear, screaming. This earth can not bear the Vishwa rupa of these cosmic energy for so long. Then everything went back to normal as Prakriti and Krishna reverted back to their human form.

Duryodhan was still on his knees, with his head buried in his arms. He was shaking in fear. Without any words, both the avatar walked out of the sabha. Chariot was already in front of the palace steps. King Dhritarashtra came running after them "You have seen how powerless I am. What can I do when my son will not listen to me?" he said in anxious voice. His eyes still wet from the tears. Krishna paused, his foot on the board of chariot while Prakriti already took her seat. Both turned their head and looked at the King. "We have done everything we could to bring peace to the Kurus. Duryodhana will have none of it; he says he will not give his cousins even land to cover a point of a needle. Now the King admits he is powerless to stop his son from having his way".

"There is nothing more we can say King Dhritarashtra, your son will not change his mind. We must go back to Brother Yudhishtira." Prakriti added, both of them took off leaving helpless King behind.

In the Kuru court, Duryodhana uncoiled himself off the floor. "Prepare for war! We shall have war at once! I will not sleep or eat until battle is joined" he roared in the sabha.

"Duryodhana, listen" Bheeshm cried.

"My son!" Dhritarashtra tried to make his son understand.

But Duryodhana strode away from them. Soon, eleven aksauhinis prepared to march to the field of Kurukshetra for the war on the crack of the ages.

Prakriti P.O.V

After taking farewell from Mata Kunti and Kakashree Vidur, we rode out of Hastinapur. Brother Krishna stopped the chariot as he saw Ang King standing alone on the palace steps gazing at the horizon. "AngRaj Karn, I want to talk to you" Brother Krishna called out to him. I already had a conversation with Ang King. Ang King looked at us for a moment, then he come down the steps. Brother Krishna turned his gaze at me "I will be back" he said, I nodded my head and he walked out of chariot with Ang King.

After some time, both of them came back together, walking towards the chariot. I could see Ang King's eye sorrowful. He quickly wiped them, I moved out of the chariot, Brother Krishna looked at me and nodded his head. I sighed, he tried to make Ang King understand about the war and his relationship with us. I joined my hands together "This is my farewell to you Elder Brother Karn" I said, calling him Brother for the first time. His eyes widened, his eyes staring at me then he smiled "This is perhaps the last time we shall meet like this, kindly" he stated putting his hand on my head, giving me his blessing. I knew this was last time because next time, we will meet, it will be on field of war.


We came back to Upaplavya. My family was waiting anxiously for us. We greeted them, Brother Krishna looked strained so he retired to his chamber while I sat with my family and told them about Mata Kunti. I didn't tell them about Duryodhan because this should be discussed in sabha when everyone is present. In evening, everyone was gathered in the sabha waiting for the news.

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