Chapter 34

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Duryodhana P.O.V

"You are Lord of the earth. The kings of the world are all loyal to you. May your cousins never come back" Mama Shakuni said, a smile made its way on my face, my cousins won't be coming back anytime soon, I will never let their Agyatvasa be successful. "Indeed, you are Lord of the earth now. Your enemies live in the jungle like wild beasts, with as much honor as animals!" Karna responded with pride in his voice, he is my true friend, he always has my back. My body was tense as I think of a way to make my cousin suffer, just then Karna looked at me as I stood up from my seat and started pacing in the chamber. 

"I have an idea, Mitra. Would you hear it?" he said.

I stop before him raising my eyebrow in curiosity "Tell me".

"Let us go to the Kamyaka vana and see the conditions of Pandavas with our own eyes, Won't it make you glad to see Yudhishtira, his brothers and the arrogant Draupadi sheared of their pride? They, who were masters of the world, are beggars in the jungle now" he recited the plan with gleeful smile, he wanted to see Pandavas suffer as much as I wanted. Mama Shakuni started beaming in approval at the plan. "Surely, nothing is sweeter than seeing one's enemy in his worst moment" he said chuckling. I nodded sitting beside Karna "I would love nothing better than to see Bheema and Arjuna clad in the barks of trees and the haughty empress of the Mayaa sabha as queen of a hut of logs" I said, the humiliation of mine in Maya Sabha is still fresh in my mind, I wanted them to endure the pain for their entire life; they deserve nothing less. But I sighed and shook my head "My father won't allow me to go Kamyaka and that Bheeshma is always in the favor of his favorite grandchildren, he will make sure I won't be near their precious Pandavas and their family" I growled clenching my fist in frustration, that river son blabber so much in the name of dharma. 

"My dear nephew, don't worry, I will devise a plan for you to visit Kamyaka" Mama Shakuni said putting his hand on my shoulder and giving him one of his devious smile. I laughed and nodded my head.

Pandavas! I am coming.

Prakriti P.O.V

I was pouring water to the plants in front of our home, Elder brother was sitting before fire doing his daily worship, other brothers surrounding him with joined hands, Krishne was inside home. Just then couple of Hastinapur soldiers ran towards us in panic, they fell at Elder Brother's feet. I stopped myself and quickly walked in their direction standing beside Sahadeva. "King Yudhishtira, save us! A gandharva has captured Duryodhana and his queens. You must help us or they will die" one of the man cried touching Elder Brother feet. Brother Bheem started laughing hearing the plea, a smile graze on Arya face as well. "Well done, Gandharvas! I am happy to know we have some friends left in the world. Fate has caught up with our cousin. He came here to gloat and he has the payment he deserves" Brother Bheem cried clapping his hand. Hearing the loud laugh of Brother Bheem Krishne came out of the shelter and looked at the scene in confusion. We got the news of Prince Duryodhana coming in Dwaitavana for royal work.

Brother Yudhishtira held his hand up and silenced Brother Bheem "This is no time to gloat, Bheema. The Kauravas are our cousins and between cousins, there will be misunderstandings. But they are our blood, our family and no outsider should harm them. The gandharvas have taken not only Duryodhana and his brothers, but their women. The women of our Kuru clan".

"But they are our enemy!" Nakula cried in disbelief. I looked at him and sighed "The kauravas are our enemy but what about their wife, they are innocent and daughter in law of Kuruvansh so it is our dharma and duty to save them" I said truthfully, he slowly nodded his head agreeing with me. "Arm yourself Bheema; take Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva with you. Go and free our cousins" Elder Brother ordered like a King, they nodded their head and without any further argument went out with their weapon to safe Kuruvansha pride.

Prakriti (Mahabharata)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora