Chapter 60

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Prakriti P.O.V

Finally the day came for the war, for the establishment of righteous.  Our legion started getting ready, preparing their weapons and doing last minute training. I was walking around inspecting our army. Some men were hurt during training, I helped them with my power before the start of war. Every men count in this war. I saw Arya in the weapon room, staring at his bow with faraway look in his eyes. I trudged towards him, I put my hand on his shoulder "What are you thinking Arya?" I asked him.

He turned to look at me. "What will happen in the war, these people are ready to die for us, for our cause, are we doing justice to them?" he questioned, I exhaled a deep breath before answering. "Arya, these people are standing with us by their own choice, they know about the outcome of war yet they stand with us because they choose righteousness" I explained to him.

"Is this the god of will?" he asked.

I chuckled thinking how right he is. "Don't worry about the future Arya, you will have Brother Krishna guidance with you, nothing could go wrong" I said while rubbing his shoulders to sooth the tension away.

I could clearly see Brother Krishna getting ready to ride his chariot so that he can usher us into the war, towards the change.


Third Person P.O.V

Ten aksauhinis of Duryodhan moved towards battlefield with ten commanders leading them. The eleventh legion was deployed ahead of these ten and Bheeshma himself had charge of it. Pandavas seven aksauhini army also moved to the field with their army. It was a view to behold as both army faced each other, ready for the battle. Bheeshma stood up in his chariot and looked at the kuru army. His voice was loud and clear "The gates of heaven have yawned open to welcome those who die in battle! I say to all of you, fight with no thought for tomorrow. Let your courage rule you, for glory is in store for every man here. A warrior does not wish for a peaceful death in his bed, of old age, or illness. He longs to die in battle! Know, then, mighty warriors, that for you there is no defeat on the field of war. For either dying nobly, you will find heaven, or victorious, you will inherit the earth! There is no defeat for those who fight; but only heaven or victory. So tell me, my friends, are you prepared to die?"

Like an ocean, they roared back, "We are!"

Yudhishtira looked at the kuru's army, eleven aksauhinis are much larger that their seven aksauhinis. He turned towards his younger brother "How do you mean to deploy our men against Grandsire Bheeshma?" he asked to Arjuna, they need to forge a strategy for the battle. Arjuna replied in his smooth voice "We will form our men into a Vajra, a diamond phalanx. My father Indra uses this vyuha; it is both a fluid and an impregnable formation,which maneuvers more quickly than any other." Pandavas army moved towards kauravas legions.

Dhrishtadyumna was at the head of the army and Bheema was at the side. Yudhishtira rode at the heart of the diamond and Satyaki patrolled its right flank. The banner of Hanuman flew above Arjuna's chariot. As a promise to his younger brother, the majestic vanara himself seat in the banner of Arjuna looking at the battlefield.

Arjun chariot was a sight to see, given to him by Chitraratha himself but the most magnificent vision was the sarathy of Gandhivdhari, with reins in his left hand and a whip in his right, Krishna was like a dark sun risen on that field of fate.

Krishna brought the chariot to the front of the Pandavas army. "Parth, remember, to win this war, we need to defeat Mahamahim Bheeshm. His death is necessary to win this war".

When the two forces were face to face with each other, silence fell on them. Then in the silence, a strange thing happened, Yudhishtira removed his armor and put down his bow. He removed his sandals and climbed down from his chariot, walking barefoot towards the army. For a moment, no one moved. Then Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva all laid down their weapons and followed their brother. Krishna, who wore no armor and carried no weapon today, went with Arjuna.

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