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A few days later and everything in Tree Hill had gone wrong. Brooke was moving to then only live in Lucas' old room. Felix got suspended from school. Nathan left to get Haley back.

Brighid walked into the house after spending a few hours at Jake's to find Lucas snooping around the house.

"Can I help you?" Brighid asked as she caught Lucas off guard.

"Just looking at your Dad's book collection that's all" Lucas said holding up a book. Brighid dismissed it and continued to her room. As she dropped her bag on the ground her phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered holding the phone in place by her shoulder. Nathan was on the other line. He had arrived home and didn't want to be alone.

"I'll be over in a few" Brighid said closing the phone. She threw some clothes in a bag and walked out of the house without saying goodbye.

When she arrived at his apartment it was a mess. Food and drinks lined the countertops and floor.

"Nate?" Brighid called out as she walked in. She looked around at the apartment once more disgusted by all the trash. She pledged to help him clean in the morning.

He exited from his bedroom thanking her for coming. That night they talked, watched a movie and acted like siblings for the first time in a while.

Brighid eventually fell asleep on the couch while Nathan headed off to his bed.

The next morning Brighid woke up to someone poking her.

She turned around expecting Nathan instead it was her uncle. He had a beer in his hand.

"Morning. Where's your brother?" He asked. Brighid still slightly dazed looked around. Cooper stood in the middle of the apartment looking around.

"Morning sunshine" Cooper greeted Nathan.

"How you doing?" Nathan asked.

"Better than you, you little bitch" Cooper commented. He was always the cool relative in Brighid's eye being much closer in age to her and Nathan than her mom.

"So no hugs from for your favorite uncle?" Cooper asked the two. Nathan and Brighid bother hugged him before Brighid shuffled to the kitchen for something to drink.

"So your mom called me. I have to tell you Nate, if my big sister is calling me in then the situation is pretty effed up" Cooper began.

"Well then mom doesn't tell you much" Brighid snickered.

"So what's wrong? Did you marry a blind girl? Unless it... oh, man. It's your gear isn't it? Okay drop your shorts let's have a look" Copper questioned.

"Okay I'm leaving" Brighid teased.

"Haha, I've heard about you too. Not so innocent as you'd like everyone to believe" Cooper joked. Brighid slightly embarrassed slumped in her seat.

"Come on you two. I have a little trip planned" Cooper said throwing away his drink and grabbing his keys. "Oh and bring your brother. I'd like to meet him"

Brighid and Nate exchanged a look.
Later that day the four of them were at the racetrack. Brighid and Nate would come at least once during the summer growing up. Lucas, however, seemed like a kid in the candy store.

"How cool is it that you races for living?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, you know, fame, money, extremely hot wives"

"Ex-wives" Nathan responded.

"Don't forget what was her name again? Svetlana" Brighid mentioned getting a laugh out of Nathan.

"Look who's talking" Cooper sarcastically responded back to Nate.

"I'll tell you what. There's only one view better than this one" Cooper said as they walked onto the track. The continued to tour looking at the other race cars before ending at Coops.

"So Ray if you're not in my car and I'm not in my car who's in my car?" Cooper asked.

"Tony" Ray called out. The driver took their helmet off to reveal Daytona Green and old friend of Nate's and Brighid's.

"Daytona you remember Nate and Brighid"

"Nice to see you both" she said hugging the two.

"And this is?" She asked.

"Our brother. Lucas" Nathan spoke out. Lucas smiled giving a small wave.

"So how about we race tomorrow. Take a crash course today and stay the night?" Cooper asked. Lucas and Nathan agreed.

"I'm in"

"About that. You just got your license and you need to be at least 17. You can ride with me though" Cooper said. Brighid slightly pissed agreed being it was still Bette than not doing it at all.

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