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Brighid and Jake were talking at her locker when Lucas walked up.

"Hey" Brighid said. Lucas smiled at the two of them.

"I'll talk to you later" Jake said giving her a quick kiss before walking away.

"What's up?" Brighid asked.

"I just wanted to let you know. I'm leaving. Tree Hill"

"When?" Brighid asked all confused and surprised.

"Tomorrow morning. Tonight's the last night" Lucas said.

"One more game and then your gone? Wow. Leaving with Keith I assume. Heard from my mom about everything"

"Yep" Lucas said about to walk away.

"Not for nothing but I think you're a great big brother" Brighid said before shutting her locker and walking the other way to class.
That night Brighid sat in the audience with her mother. She watched as her dad failed to coach the team to victory. The team had lost after being undefeated.

"Hey it's okay honey" Deb said trying to cheer up Nathan who left with Haley not saying a word.

"Come on Brig" Dan said waving his daughter on. It was the first official night Brigid was moving back in.

"I'll see you" Brighid said to her mom before heading over to her dad. The two walked out silent with one another.

"Wanna grab dinner?" Dan asked knowing the drive to the beach house was far and it was already late.

"Sure" Brighid answered not really having a choice anymore.

After dinner the two got into the car.

"Shit. My backpack is at mom's" Brighid stated forgetting to bring it to the game. Dan sighed driving to Deb's.

"Watch your language" Dan reprimanded as they pulled up.

He parked the car and the two got out.

"Make this quick" Dan said as he unlocked the door. Brighid walked in heading to the living room where she had last put it.

Following her was Dan. As the two walked in they found Deb on the floor naked with another man. She looked up surprised.

"Mom?" Brighid questioned, her backpack in hand. Keith got up off the floor. Dan stood their shocked.

"Wow really" Dan said all mad gripping Brighid and pulling her to the car. She hopped in watching her dad drive like a maniac. Behind them was Keith.

He pulled into the beach house parking lot fifteen minutes later.

"Go inside" Dan shouted to Brighid throwing her the house keys. She did as she was told not wanting to piss him off anymore. She ran upstairs to her room watching the fight unfold.

Her dad smashed his car window before heading inside. She could hear him cursing and shouting. Brighid knew it was best to stay in her room.

Eventually she fell asleep, tuning out Dan's yelling.
The next morning Brighid woke up heading downstairs for breakfast.

As she walked into the kitchen she saw Dan on the floor, grasping for air, holding his chest. She scurried to the phone. Fumbling to call 911

"Hello, my dad needs an ambulance ASAP" Hanging up after confirming the address.

"The ambulance is coming" Brighid kept repeating as Dan faded in and out of consciousness.

Tears streamed down her face as she hopped into the ambulance.

"Hey, you did the right thing. Possible saving his life" the EMT commended her. She weakly smiled before calling her mom to meet her.

Afterwards she began to frantically call Nathan who didn't pick up.

She stopped once they arrived and followed her dad in until she couldn't go further.

"The waiting room is there" one of the nurses instructed. She took a seat anxiously waiting for someone to come comfort her. 

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now