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Brighid was making breakfast when a call came from the house phone. Brighid flipped the last pancake before answering the call. "Hello?" she answered. "Oh, hello. I can get Jake-" she began but the person on the other line insisted on leaving a message.

Brighid listened as the woman accused Jake of making moves on her a few months ago. She was now pregnant and unsure of whether Jake or Nathan was the father. Brighid, baffled hung up the phone in a fit of rage.

"Hey, I have a meeting with Clay. He wants to meet for lunch to discuss-"

"You're being accused of cheating on me. Not to mention, either Nathan or you are the father"Brighid bursted out. Jake looked at her confused. He thought in that moment he was being pranked.

"Brig, what are you talking about?" he asked all causally.

"A women called. Told me she can prove everything. Please tell me this isn't true!" Brighid asked. Her tone was serious making Jake stiffen up.

"It's not. I swear" Jake pleaded. He pulled out his phone and looked at the few missed messages from his lawyer. "Look, I'll go handle this now" Jake said, rushing to kiss Brighid on the lips.

Brighid said weakly smiled, wanting to believe Jake. She watched from the kitchen window as he rushed to his car, placing the phone to his ear.

She stood in the kitchen, regretting ever coming back to Tree Hill. Drama never seemed to stop here and followed her every step.

"Mom!" Jenny called snapping Brighid out her slump. She placed a smile back on her face as she headed up stairs to tend to her child, which at the moment were the most important thing.
Just as Brighid placed the children done for quiet time and naps the front door bell rang. Brighid quickly rushed to the door to find Mouth on the other side.

"Mouth. Come in" Brighid greeted opening the door. He looked at the new home, marveling over its grand appearance.

"Welcome back to Tree Hill"

"Thanks" Brighid weakly smiled ushering him to the kitchen. "Are you thirsty? I have soda or water" Brighid offered but Mouth shook his no.

"I just came to talk. Is Jake home?" Mouth asked. Brighid's head quickly wiped around from the fridge.

"No, is everything okay?" Brighid asked. Mouth hesitated for a minute.

"I'm not sure. My boss said he saw Jagielski at lunch with lawyers before he flipped out and rushed out of the restaurant. He wants me to look into it but I'm not sure there's much to the story. Just came for clarification"

"Mouth, this is off the record right?" Brighid asked. Mouth looked slightly shocked.

"Of course. Jake and you, I would never exploit anything you say" he reassured her.

"I got a call earlier today. A woman is trying to come out with a story. Involving Jake and Nathan. One of them is potentially the father of her baby. I think it's bullshit and Jake agrees but he went to meet with the lawyers"

"Look, I promise I won't say a word" Mouth said shocked by the news.

"Mouth, if something does happen to spin this story in the wrong direction. Jake and I understand you have to report on it" Brighid said trying to make Mouth comfortable. It was, after all, his job.

"Don't worry about that" Mouth said as he headed to the front door. The two said goodbye to each other.


A few days had passed and it wasn't looking good for either Scott at the moment. Brighid and Jake's house was surrounded by paparazzi. They were eating this false narrative up.

As for Nathan, Haley was on her last wit with him. He and Clay, his manager were leaning towards paying her off.  Making her since a NDA. This would all just disappear.

Brighid wasn't too keen on the whole idea and Jake wasn't sure what to do. He and Nathan both offered to do paternity tests but Clay advised against it.

It was then the news broke about it and news channels all over the state began to talk about it. To further complicate things, the woman brought forward some proof. Pictures of her and Nathan or her and Jake at parties, hosted by Clay and other teammates. Clearly intoxicated the two men were snuggled up next to the woman.

Brighid had taken a whole twelve hours of not talking to Jake for her to settle down. She knew she didn't want to say the wrong thing out of anger b

"Brighid, can we please talk about this?" Jake pleaded. He followed her down the stairs to the living room where Brighid frantically picked up the stray toys off he floor.

"Look, I've done bad things in the past and you've always been by my side and done good. I'll do the same for you. You, however, end up being this child's father, you will man up and be involved"

"Brig, I'm telling you. I didn't sleep with her"

"You were clearly drunk as this party. Maybe she took advantage of you but, in this case, we can't prove anything. Just please. Prepare for the worse. Because I damn well won't give that bitch a dime for her silence" Brighid snapped. Jake sighed. "Just please get these vultures off the property. My mom is coming to pick the twins up and I have places to be today"    

Jake without saying another word, called for security to come remove the paparazzi off the premises.

Brighid headed upstairs were she got ready for the day before heading to the Clothes Over Bros store for the photoshoot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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