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Brigid rushed around the house trying to get Jenny ready for school and herself ready for the court case she had for her father. Jake had a big day, a meeting with a college team on a possible coaching job.

"Haley? Hi I was just about to leave to drop Jenny off. You fired Carrie? Oh, my. Well I totally understand" Brighid said into her cellphone as she brushed Jenny's hair back into the ponytail. When she ended the call she slipped her shoes on.

"She fired Carrie?" Jake asked.

"She caught her with Nathan last night in the shower, naked" she mouthed not wanting Jenny to repeat it. Jake looked mortified.

"I can drop her off on the way to my meeting. Good luck today" Jake said kissing Brighid goodbye. She kissed Jenny and slipped her backpack in before rushing up to the bathroom. She had a few minutes until Nathan and Lucas would be there to pick her up. She pulled out a pregnancy test for the back of the cabinet and peed on the stick.

The five minutes slowly ticked by and as she was about to look her doorbell rang. She threw it in her bag and rushed out the front door hopping in the back of the car.

"So, what the hell happened with you and the nanny?" Brighid asked swatting Nathan. "After everything Haley has done for you"

"I know. Jeez. It wasn't on purpose okay. She jumped in the shower with me" Nathan said.

"So how'd it go with Haley?" Lucas asked.

"She's gonna needs more time"

"Well, give it to her. You owe her that" Lucas said. Nathan let out a big sigh.

"I just wish he would have helped us more, you know? It would have been really nice to have a father today. Someone I could actually turn to for advice" Nathan said.

"Yeah. You know for the past four years... I've pretended that Dan didn't exist. Then I get this letter and it hits me... that one day we may have to face having him in our lives again. Let's not let that be today" Lucas lectured. The three exchanged a worrying look as Nathan continued to the drive. When they arrived to the jail they were ushered into a white sterile room. An empty chair and table set up in-front of a panel of people. The door opens and their stood Dan.

Brighid looked at him with a lack of expression.

"Hello kids" Dan greeted as he walked in. His chains rattling with each move he made. Lucas gave him the  nastiest look. Nathan looked like Brighid, emotionless. 

Dan sat in the empty seat waiting for the hearing to begin. Once the panel was ready Dan stood up. "Good afternoon. When I was 17 years old I fell in love. Her name was Karen. And for a long time she loved me back. We had a son, Lucas. But we never became the family we should have been. Instead, my brother, Keith, assumed that role. And in my heart something died. I deserved to be in here. There's no excuse for the crime I that committed. And believe me when I tell you I spend every moment wishing I could take that fateful day back. Keith Scott is dead because of me. And that is something I have to live with for the rest of my life. So I'll just make one pledge here today. If at some time you decide to grant me my freedom, know that I'll spend every living moment trying to mend the lives of the people I hurt by my actions. Because I've lost more than my freedom. I've lost something far more important than that. My family. My children... they've had it pretty rough. They deserve better. They deserve a father. I hope someday you give them that"

"Thank you Mr. Scott. Does anyone else wish to speak at this time?" One of the panel members asked. The three remained silent until Lucas stood up.

"Um, yes. I'm Lucas Scott. I'm his son"

"Please. Go ahead"

"My father abandoned my mother when she was pregnant with me. He left us to struggle on his own even though he was a man of means. Growing up I only had one person to look after me. Keith Scott. And this man killed him. His own brother. In cold blood at point blank range. Next week I'm getting married. Keith... would have been my best man. He won't be there just like he wasn't there for my state championship or see my first novel published. Dan took all that and he did it with malice and premeditation. Dan is an educated man and if he is nothing he's very persuasive. Don't let him fool you. He has a dark and ugly heart. He should never be allowed to walk the streets as a free man. So as you deliberate his fate I ask you only one question. How can a father hope to influence his children if they never even came to see him? Never even once" Lucas said. Brighid gulped at his last statement.

"Actually... it looks here that, uh, Brighid.. you've been to visit your father recently. Is that true?"

"Yes" Brighid said. Lucas looked at her quite disappointed.

Back in the car on the way home Lucas finally broke the ice. "What the hell? You went to go see Dan and you didn't tell me. Why?" Lucas asked all mad.

"I didn't have my mom to turn to. Just cause he wasn't in your life doesn't mean he wasn't in mine" Brighid snapped. "It doesn't matter now"

"It does matter. Just like getting up there and telling them who he really is matters. Don't you get it?"

"Get what?" Nathan asked. He was coming to the defense of Brighid.

"If they think you need Dan in your life they might let him out" Lucas shouted.

"And what if I think that's not such a bad thing?" Brighid asked. The car got silent.

"You know it's not me, or Nathan or you I'm worried about. It's Jenny and Jamie. He'll try to get to them. The only way to keep your families safe is to keep Dan locked up" Lucas said.

"Let me worry about my family okay" Brighid snapped back. The rest of the car ride was silent. Nathan dropped her off and Brighid got out without saying a word. She walked into an empty house. She pulled out the pregnancy test from her bag and slide down the front door, a small tear streamed down her face.

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