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"Lucas? I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't an emergency. Brighid's either drunk or drugged. She's on the steps of Chapman Hall. I can't get her to stay awake"

Brooke hung up the phone and looked at Peyton.

"He's coming" Brooke said before sitting back down with Brighid and Peyton. Brighid's head was resting in Peyton's lap.

Just as Lucas pulled up a student from the party had come to help.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not sure" Brooke answered.

"See looks to be sedated. She'll be okay if we know what kind she took" the med student spoke out.

Brooke and Lucas headed back to the party to find out what had been ingested while Peyton stayed with the med student to watch over Brighid.

Brooke walked up to the door with Lucas behind her.

"It's this one"

Lucas banged on the door only for the student inside to shout "piss off"

"Piss off, is this your dorm?" Lucas asked. The guy shook his head yes. "Go get your RA"

Lucas then kicked the door open catching the guy inside by surprise.

"What did you put in her drink?" Lucas asked pinning the guy up against the wall.

"I didn't put anything in her drink" he responded.

"You can tell me or you can tell the police" Lucas threatened.

"It was nothing man. It was one roofie" the guy revealed still acting all cool. Lucas punched the shit out of him taking the rest of the drugs before leaving.

"She's going to be okay? Right?" Brooke asked Lucas.

"I hope so" Lucas responded.

The two returned to find Brighid stirring a little.

"She'll be okay. Just some short term memory loss" the student explained. Lucas put Brighid in the front seat of his truck.

"Bring her to my house. I'm sure her parents won't be too happy if we drop her off like this" Peyton said.

As Lucas drove home Brighid began to mumble.

"Is she okay? Jenny's okay right?"

"Brighid? It's Lucas. You're going to be okay" Lucas said frowning his eyebrows. He was unsure of who Jenny was.

The three placed her in the bed and began quietly talking.

"So why call me?" Lucas asked Brooke.

"Nathan was on a date with Haley but honestly I think you care for her, because she's your sister" Brooke explained.

"Do you guys know a Jenny?" Lucas asked randomly.

"No why?" Peyton asked.

"Oh no reason" Lucas said unable to explain it to the two.

An hour passed and Nathan walked in slightly worried.

"Brooke I got your text. What happened?" Nathan asked looking at Brighid passed out in the bed.

"Roofied at a party. Nothing happened. I stopped it before it did. Look I'm sorry, I can't help but feel like I'm the reason she was drinking tonight. I apparently said some mean things and-" Brooke said.

"You don't know what our lives are like Brooke. You can't just be mean and blame it on being drunk. It's going to destroy someone one day" Nathan said helping Brighid out of the bed.

"She can stay the night" Peyton said stopping Nathan.

"It's okay. My parents will be too busy fighting to notice her in this state" Nathan commented. Brighid slowly awaking from her drugged state noticed everyone in one room, specifically Peyton's room.

"My friends" Brighid sleepily said before closing her eyes again. Lucas and Nathan helped her into Nathan's car.

"Thanks man" Nathan said shaking Lucas' hand.

"Really no problem" Lucas said before hoping into the tow truck.

Nathan drove home and was successful in avoiding his parents and putting Brighid in her bed.

"What happened?" Brighid asked slowly coming out of the daze she was in.

"You're fine. Just got to bed" Nathan whispered tucking Brighid in.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now