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The police sirens were heard from a distance and the driver began to freak out.

"Come on roll, roll, roll" the guy in the back said all panicked. The driver quickly pulled out of the parking lot and floored it down the road quickly pulling into the woods and turning the car off.

"Heads down now!" He demanded. Everyone ducked as the police car flew by.

"Okay, yahoo great. Now give us our clothes back" Lucas demanded.

"Don't they teach manners in the suburbs?" The driver asked pulling out the gun.

"He said give us our clothes, you hick" Nathan said grabbing the gun and pulling it on the driver. The all began to laugh.

"Can't you tell a fake gun in the suburbs?"

"Great it's a starter pistol" Nathan said throwing the gun to the floor. "I knew this thing was fake"

"Yeah but our fists are real" the guy next to Nathan threatened.

"Look well give you your clothes back. We'll even give one of you's a ride home" the driver negotiated.

"What do you mean by one of us?" Brighid asked looking at Nathan and Lucas. The guys all smirked and pushed the three out of the car.

"One of you guys has to beat the shit out of the other" the one guy explained. The other two sat on the hood sipping their beers.

"Or what?" Nathan asked.

"Maybe we just take the girl and leave you two here" the driver said. He leaned his body up against Brighid, his hand snaking up her skirt. His lips tried to place kisses on hers.

"Gross, get off of me" Brighid mumbled trying to push him off.

"That's my sister" Nathan yelled. The one guy held him back.

"Come on let just let her go. What makes you think we are going to fight?" Lucas asked trying to reason with them. Nathan, however, had other plans and punched Lucas right in the face. The two began to fight with each other.

Nathan and Lucas had managed to move the morons away from their car and snatch the keys.

"Woah, woah, woah" the driver yelled.

"Lets play a game. Key for clothes. You give us a piece our clothes for a key" Nathan negotiated.

"Fine" the driver sighed.

The two exchanged keys for clothes until it came down to the final one.

"I don't need my shirt" Nathan yelled throwing the car into the woods. The three dashed off hiding behind some brush.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked Brighid.

"I'm fine, a little grossed out but fine" Brighid whispered. Lucas pulled his sweatshirt off handing it Brighid who was freezing in her skirt and tank top.

"Thank you" she muttered slipping it on.

"So what do we do now?" Lucas asked.

"They are going to be super pissed when they find a key chain with no key" Nathan said dangling the car key in between his fingers. The three of them smiled before running to the car. Nathan hopped in the driver seat, Lucas in the passenger and Brighid in the back.

Nathan put the key in the engine and reeves the car only to find it had sunken into the mud. The three immediately ditched and ran for their lives.

They dove into the bushes a half a mile away and waited until the Pirates left.

"They should get bored, eventually" Brighid commented as they drove by for the fourth time.

"That was a good move with the car keys" Lucas commented.

"Yeah. Doesn't change the fact that my dad is going to kill me for getting kicked out of the game"

"You'll always be the angel in his eyes though" Brighid muttered under her breath.

The three got silent and sat in silence for another 15 minutes or so until they decided to start walking back.

"So what was up with you and Jagielski he other day?" Lucas asked. Brighid quickly shot him a look to shut up.

"You were talking to him?" Nathan asked all pissed.

"No, what?"

"Brig don't lie to me"

"Fine it was for a minute. Thanks a lot Lucas" Brighid hissed.

"Dude, she can talk to whoever she wants-" Lucas began before the sound of a car silenced them all. They exchanged a look with each other, bracing for it to be the morons. Instead it was Peyton and Haley with Brooke in the backseat of her own car.

"Thank god" Brighid whispered hopping into the car with the others.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now