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"So Duke's done?" Brighid asked as she paced around the kitchen.

"Brig stop worrying about me. Focus on you. Stanford, D1" Nathan said.

Brighid couldn't stop worrying, in fact she was beyond worried about Nathan. He had came out publicly about the point shaving after Lucas tried covering for him. Duke immediately revoked their offer to him leaving with him with no school and no basketball.

"Brighid really we will work this out. You just need to relax" Haley spoke out.

"Fine" Brighid huffed. She opened the fridge doors looking for a snack when Nathan's phone went off.

"Karen's in the hospital" Nate said looking at Haley and Brighid concerned.

"Mom" Brighid yelled. Deb rushed down the stairs in a panic. "It's Karen"

Deb immediately grabbed her keys and purse driving the kids to the hospital. The four quickly rushed inside taking the elevator to the ER. Once they stepped out Lucas was sitting in a chair waiting.

"Luke" Nathan said. Haley rushed over giving him a hug.

"How's Karen? What are they saying?" Deb asked all concerned.

"She's unconscious" Lucas answered. He looked sad and defeated. "She has something called eclampsia. It gives her seizures"

"What does that mean for the baby?" Haley asked.

"It's pretty serious. The next few hours are critical for both" Lucas said trying to stay strong.

Deb went to the room with Lucas while Brighid went to get some coffee. When she headed back up Nathan and Haley were gone from the waiting room. She walked down the hall to find her mom alone in the room.

"Mom? I brought coffee" Brighid whispered. Deb looked at Karen before stepping outside.

"Thank you sweetheart"

"Did everyone leave?" Brighid asked.

"I told them to go be teenagers one more time. That includes you" Deb sweetly said giving Brighid a smile.

"Okay. I'll just be stopping by dad's he wanted me to-"

"Brighid? I know this is bad timing but I need you stay away from your father. It's for your own protection"

"Mom not this again. He's changed. I had a nice dinner with him a couple nights ago. He seems happier" Brighid argued.

"Brighid Scott. Your father killed Keith that day at the school. Lucas told me, he had a witness. Your father murdered his own brother" Deb warned. Brighid looked her mother with a blank stare.

"You're lying" Brighid muttered before running out of the hospital. She headed to her dad's house walking straight in. He was sitting on the couch sipping whiskey on ice.

"Dad, tell me it's not true. Maybe a year ago I would believe it but I've seen you change. Your not that bad guy anymore. Tell me it isn't true what mom and Lucas are saying. You didn't kill Uncle Keith" Brighid begged sitting on the chair near the door.

Dan took a deep breath remaining silent.

"Tell me their wrong. I'll stand by you, I'll advocate for you this time. Just tell me they are wrong" Brighid continued tears were pooling in her eyes. She watched as her dad's lip trembled.

"I can't do that" Dan muttered. He avoided looking at Brighid. Brighid gasped at the words.

"To think you had changed. I was looking forward to the future with you in it. Jenny would have a grandfather but now... now it's done. There is no future. Don't come by family" Brighid cried out. She slammed the front door and drove to get ready for graduation with tears streaming down her face.
She arrived at the high school in her blue cap and gown to see Jake and the others waiting for her.

"You okay?" Jake asked seeing that Brighid was crying.

"Fine" she said looking at Lucas. "Come on we have a graduation to attend" she said trying to sound happier.

They all walked in taking their seats in alphabetical order. Brighid next to Lucas who was next to Nathan.

"Brooke Davis... Jake Jagielski... Marvin McFadden... Peyton Sawyer"

Turner one by one called out the students names and eventually they had made it to the Scott's.

"Brighid Scott" Turner announced she walked up grabbing her diploma and flashing a small smile. No one was in the audience to support her, not until she saw Jenny. She gave a big wave and a nice smile as she made her way across the stage.

"Lucas Scott... Nathan Scott"

Once all the names were called out Haley made her way to the podium to give her valedictorian speech.

"My best friend remind me of a quote by William Shakespeare that seems appropriate. 'There is a ride in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted all the voyage of their life is bound up in sorrows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves or lose our ventures' I think what that quote means is that life is short and opportunities are rare. And we have to be vigilant in protecting them and not only the opportunities' to succeed. The opportunities to laugh to see the enchantment in the world and -" Haley announced before making a funny face and faltering her speech. She began to laugh making everyone look at each other.

"I'm sorry I have more but I just think I'm having my baby" Haley laughed. Nathan stood up from the crowd and ran to Haley. Brighid, Lucas, Brooke, Peyton, Jake, Mouth and Skills all followed after them.

Nathan got into the ambulance with Haley while the rest drove the hospital themselves. Lucas on the way had a call from Deb. His mother was going into immediate surgery.

Brighid waited until Nathan came to get her.

"James Lucas Scott" Nathan beamed. Brighid rushed in holding her new nephew.

"Oh JL you are just the cutest" Brighid cooed.

"We wanted to know if you would be the godmother?" Haley asked. Brighid smiled shaking her head yes.

"He's got the coolest parents but more importantly the coolest aunt"

Nathan and Haley laughed while the baby made noises. His finger grasping at Brighid's nose.

"Okay share the baby. He's out kid. Where's yours anyways?" Nathan asked.

"At home with her father. You forgot you left graduation. You wait and see JL is going to best friends with Jenny"

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