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A knock came from Brighid's bedroom door.

"I'm not going to school today" Brighid called back throwing the blanket over her head. She was hoping to shut out the world for good. Embarrassed by the commercials Karen had posted this morning.

"Brig, honey. I'm just coming to see if you want anything" Deb softly said opening the door. Brighid threw the blanket back, looking at her mother.

"Just to go back to last night and pretend that video never happened" Brighid answered. Deb gave her a weak smile.

"Hopefully it will all be over soon!" Deb said sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Is dad going to win? Cause that would really suck for him to be mayor" Brighid asked as she sat up next to her mom.

"I hope not" Deb answered. The two were lost in their own conversation when Dan interrupted.

"Knock, knock. Brighid no school?" Dan asked all cherry. Brighid and her mom found it odd after seeing Karen's campaign video.

"She staying home today" Deb answered.

"No worries. Gives you time to get ready for tonight. I'll be expecting you two by my side when I announce my victory as Tree Hill's new mayor" Dan said gleaming from ear to ear. Deb and Brighid exchanged a weird look while Dan walked away.
Brighid dressed in a modest old lady like dress stood at the edge of the stairs watching her dad wait for the votes to end.

"Good news. Just got word that the votes should be out any minute. I want to thank everyone for this victory" Dan announced. The crowd cheered while cameras flashed and signs waved. Brighid slowly clapping looked around. She couldn't believe how naive these people were for voting for Dan Scott. Especially after the video that had been aired this morning.

A few minutes passed and an official made the call for Dan Scott. Balloons and confetti dropped in celebration.

"I'd like to bring my wife down to celebrate with me" Dan announced looking up at the stairs. She was nowhere to be found.

"I guess it's true what they say. It's lonely at the top. Thankfully I have my daughter Brighid" Dan said pointing to Brighid to come up. She hesitantly walked up the stairs taking a stance next to her father. The two smiled while Dan waved and posed for photos.

Brighid stuck around watching her dad do interviews, greet his voters and the citizens of Tree Hill and take photos. Eventually an hour after his acceptance speech the two were able to head home.

"That little bitch. The deal was 60 days" Dan muttered his breath. Brighid choosing not to talk to her dad ignored him. Dan pulled into the driveway quite aggressively slamming his car door and sprinting up to the front door.

When they got inside the house they found it dark and empty. No sign of anyone being home.

"Deb?" Dan called out clicking the lights on. He began to search the first floor.

"Mom?" Brighid yelled heading upstairs and checking all the rooms. As she walked into her own she found a note lying on her bed.


Don't come looking for me


Brighid angry threw the crumpled up note in the garbage can next to her bed.

"Hello?" Nathan called out as he walked into the house.

"Going to congratulate me son?" Dan asked grinning. "You're looking at Tree Hills newest Mayor"

Brighid walked to the top of the stairs looking straight at Nathan.

"Mom's gone" she announced.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now