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As Brighid sat in the car she contemplated bringing up the possible pregnancy.

"The wedding was nice" Jake said looking at Brighid who was staring out the window.

"Jake I-" Brighid began before the car slammed on the brakes. The two flung forwards before flying back against the seat. In front of them was pieces of the bridge on the road with Haley and Karen at the edge. Haley looked distressed.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked checking on Brighid before checking on Jenny. The three were fine, unscathed. Brighid opened her door to find Lucas dragging Cooper out of the water.

"Nathan" Haley yelled until Lucas had found him on the side of the river bed with Rachel, both unconscious.

The ambulance showed up a few minutes later and the three were taken. Brighid and Lucas followed the ambulance to the hospital.

"I'm going to bring Jenny home. I'll be back soon" Jake whispered to Brighid who was all out of tears. She lifted her head off his shoulder and kissed Jenny and Jake goodbye.

Brighid sat alone contemplating what had gone wrong when her mother walked up.

"Nathan's awake" she said with a smile. Brighid jumped up from her seat and followed after her. Still in her dress, she held the end of it in one hand so it would drag.

"Hey" Brighid softly greeted as she walked into Nathan's room. "Wedding wasn't enough attention?" She asked. Nathan chuckled.

Lucas and Haley came over and Brighid figured they needed their own time. She smiled and headed back to the waiting room running into her father.

"Mayor Scott" the news reporters shouted as the lights flashed.

"Brighid" Dan said grabbing her in a hug. She knew it was all apart of the act. She stood there awkwardly waiting for it to be over. When he released from the hug he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her to the room where Nathan, Haley and Deb were already.

"Nathan how are you?" Dan asked.

"Fine dad" Nathan said bothered Dan was in the room.

"Doc how's the knee?" Dan asked the doctor who walked in.

"Good. Just sore for a couple of days. Nathan I wanted to run a couple of tests" the doctor said. Nathan followed the doctor and Haley followed Nathan.

"You okay?" Deb asked Brighid who looked sad.

"Fine" Brighid responded.

"Brig can you give me and your mom a minute. Just want to talk about Nathan" Dan said sweetly. Brighid shook her head and stepped outside of the room and walked a few steps down the hall. The door shut and she waited to go back in when she heard a scream.

Brighid looked around making sure it wasn't another room before heading back to her mom. When she walked in her dad looked furious and her mother looked scared.

"Did someone scream?" Brighid asked.

"Your mother just gasped at the news I told her. Nothing that concerns you" Dan said as he walked out. Deb on the other hand looked petrified and was trying to catch her breath.


"I'm fine Brig" Deb said walking away as well.

Brighid left alone in the hospital grabbed her bag and the unused pregnancy and headed to her bathroom.

When she came out of the stall she looked at the tears before shoving it back in the bag.
Two days later Brighid and Haley were at the doctors office waiting for results.

Nervous the two held hands, anxiously waiting.

A knock came from the door and the doctor walked in. She closed the door behind her before stepping towards the two.

"Well you're pregnant" the doctor said. The two exchanged a look with each other.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now