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"How do I look?" Jake asked as he straightened out his shirt.

"Stop you're worrying me, how is my hair okay?" Brighid asked. Jake swatted down the fly always as Brighid held Jenny. When they were ready Brighid knocked on the door of the beach house.

"Welcome. Come on in" Dan greeted opening the door. Brighid walked in to find the wall had been painted red since she had visited last.

"Did you paint?" Brighid noticing it first.

"I did wanted a change. Do you like it?" Dan asked.

"It's nice" Brighid hesitantly said.

"Come come. I brought out the old high chair" Dan said showing Brighid and Jake her own chair from when she was a toddler. "I made steak. I can grill chicken if you don't want steak" Dan rambled on.

"No steaks good. You didn't have to go this crazy dad" Brighid said placing Jenny down in the chair. The three took a seat and placed food on their plate.

"I just want to start off by saying my sorry. Sorry for all the pressure I put on you and Nathan. It wasn't far" Dan apologized.

"Honestly it's fine. It's lead me to a college scholarship, graduating early and having a grasp on reality. Hopefully it leads to a career"

"No it's not okay. You should have been able to make your own choices. I am deeply sorry you weren't able to" Dan sincerely said. Brighid was feeling great that her dad had a recent change of heart. Brighid could guess it had something to do with Karen.

"By the way, you and Karen I approve. Has Lucas said anything about it?" Brighid whispered getting a smile out of her father.

"He's not as welcoming to it but I think he'll come around. So Jake what's your plan for California?" Dan asked.

"Community college during the mornings and afternoons. I plan on working most evenings unless Brighid has games or something" Jake said.

"Well if you two need help don't be afraid to reach out. I might not have nearly as much as your mother but I can try to help in any way" Dan said.

"Thank you dad" Brighid said placing a hand over his.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly making Brighid extremely happy.
The next morning Brighid went to meet up with everyone who had went to save Mouth. Everyone came back happy expect Nathan.

"You okay?" Brighid asked.

"There's talk about point shaving. People are speculating" Nathan began.

"And it points to you?"

"No, Lucas"

Brighid huffed frustrated with Nathan's actions. "What's going to happen?"

"We don't say anything. None of us. Got it?" Nathan said.

"I won't promise" Brighid swore. She was about to walk away from the car when she turned around. "If this leads back to me in any I won't be able to forgive you"
The next morning Brighid walked into school when Coach Whitey walked up next to her.

"Can we talk?" He asked signaling you his office. She followed him inside.

"Now you wouldn't happen to know anything about this point shaving would you?" Whitey asked

"No sir" Brighid answered. Whitey grabbed the remote of his desk and played the footage from
the girls state championship game.

"Now that looks an awfully lot like Nathan has something on you. Just like he had something on Lucas" Whitey continued showing Lucas in the semi-finals. "I'm going to be disappointed if you lie to me"

"Coach with all due respect I didn't point shave" Brighid said. She didn't want to lie to Whitey but she also swore to Nathan she wouldn't tell either.

Whitey grumbled at her answer. Brighid stepped out of his office as the bell rang and made her way to class. 

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now