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Two weeks had passed since the whole scare with Carrie. Jenny seemed to return back to her normal self but Brighid, however, just couldn't shake the feeling. First the assault at Brooke's shop and now this.

"Go play" Brighid muttered to Jenny as she sat down on the bench overlooking the playground, her hands resting on her pregnant stomach which had just begun to show. It was a gorgeous day out, and though she wished she could shelter herself away from the world she knew she couldn't.

"Can I sit?" a voice asked. Brighid looked up to find her father standing next to her. She moved over for him, giving him a spot to sit. He slowly sat down, leaning on the cane. She could see her father was still healing from the accident.

"I'm glad you came to talk" Brighid mumbled. "Jake and I have some news regarding Jenny"

"Is she alright?" Dan asked concerned.

"She's fine. We all are, babies included. Jake got an offer to coach for the NBA" I begun. Dan's eyes lit up with excitement.

"That's good news" Dan said all happy.

"It is. It's great news. The hard part is though-"

"I never meant to put you or Jenny in danger" Dan interrupted. "It was never my intention"

"Oh, dad, please. We never thought that. Jake and I, sincerely mean this, Jenny is lucky to have you. Which I why I wanted to tell you personally that we are moving to Charlotte"

"Charlotte, wow. That's a far place from here" Dan said. He looked at Brighid with a soft smile.

"It's just for the best. Especially with everything that had taken place. Jake and I, however, don't want you to not be apart of Jenny and the babies lives. Would you consider moving to Charlotte with us? Jake's salary is so big and we would love to buy you a little house to help you and-"

"Brighid, thank you. I appreciate it really but I don't have much time left. I lost the heart and it's not looking too good. Don't worry about me"

"Dad, why didn't you tell me?" Brighid asked putting her hand on top of his. She looked at him in a caring and concerned way.

"I'm fine. Worry about yourself, and your family. It's an exciting move for you" Dan responded trying to ease his daughter's worries.

"Grandpa" Jenny called out all excited running from the playground to the bench, jumping into his lap.

"Can I take her for ice cream, hang out a little?" Dan asked. Brighid shook her head yes, kissing Jenny on top of the head goodbye before watching the two walk to his black suburban. He placed Jenny in her car seat before waving goodbye to Brighid and pulling away.

Brighid headed home preparing the house for the last minute dinner party they were hosting to break the news to everyone.


As Brighid placed the last of the silverware, the door bell rang. Jake rushed over, greeting everyone as they walked in.

"B. Scott you are glowing" Brooke greeted, grabbing her best friend in a hug. Brighid then proceeded to hug both of her brothers as well as Haley and Peyton.

"Damn is this fancy. Is this a gender reveal?" Peyton asked all excited, Brooke chimed in clapping her hands together.

"Oh, not that kind of news tonight. We will start talking in a few. Sit down please" Brighid said ushering everyone to a seat. They began to pass around the bowls and plates of prepared food.

"Where's Jenny?" Lucas asked. Brighid was about to answer that question when the door bell rang. She took the napkin off her lap, wiping her face clean before heading to the door. She opened it to find Jenny passed out on Dan's shoulder. His hand to his lip telling her to be quiet.

"Bedroom is upstairs on the right" Brighid whispered. Dan walked in, noticing the guests and headed straight upstairs. Lucas and Nathan seemed disappointed with their sister and her choices. Dan came back down a minute later.

"She's sleeping. Thanks for letting me take her out" Dan said looking past her once more.

"Are you hungry? I made more than enough food"

"No, that's okay. Goodnight Brighid" Dan said politely excusing himself out of the house. Brighid walked back over to the table taking her seat.

"She was out with her grandfather. I don't see anything wrong with it. Anyways on to the news" Brighid stated looking happily at Jake to tell it. He cleared his throat and placed his fork down on the plate.

"I took a job as Co-coach of the Charlotte Hornets" Jake explained. Everyone began to congratulate him on the job. "It's an amazing opportunity"

"Damn, Jake Jagielski, a coach" Nathan muttered all happy.

"Wait, I'm sorry but Charlotte is like three hours away" Brooke said trying to process the news.

"That's why we are having this dinner. We have decided to move to Charlotte" Brighid said.  The excitement faded and a dampened mood had fell on the room. "It's just best with what's been happening lately and the house we picked out-"

"You already picked a house out?" Peyton asked.

"Yes, the team gave us a few options to choose from" Jake mentioned.

"It's huge, plenty of guest rooms for everyone. You all are more than welcome to come and visit. We have season tickets and guests passes"

"But your leaving tree hill. When we went to college it was clearly we were all meant to come back and stay"

"Brooke, it's three hours. You're being a little dramatic"

"Dramatic might be mean, I think we are all just shocked" Haley said trying to clear the tension.

"Well, we already made the decision. I was hoping this was more joyous than depressing but I can now see I was wrong" Brighid said excusing herself from the table and heading upstairs to check on Jenny.

"Look, I get you don't support our decision with Dan. Don't take that out on Brighid. The move is for the best" Jake said coming to her defense. The group got silent and continued to eat the food. Eventually Brighid came back down and wished their guest goodbye.

Wow! 100 chapters! Thank you all for the support and reading my book. It means the world to me! <3

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora