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Brighid paced back and forth outside of the women's locker room. The nerves were getting the best of her tonight.

"Brighid a word for ravenhoops.com?" Mouth asked sticking the microphone in her face.

"Ah sure" Brighid said trying to get rid of the jitters. She was hoping this next minute or so would be a good distraction.

"I'm here with Brighid Scott, star of the Tree Hill Women's varsity basketball team. What are you anticipating for tonight for yourself and for the team?" Mouth asked.

"Hoping to win! Should be a good first game" Brighid answered. Mouth smiled, thanking her before heading to his table near the bleacher.

"Okay girls. Huddle up" the coach announced. Brighid walked to the team huddle where they chanted for a few minutes before heading out onto the court.

As she sprinted out she gazed at the bleachers to see a few familiar faces. For one Nathan was here which made her happy. Her mom and dad were a given. Most surprisingly, however, was Jenny and Jake in the audience.

"Okay, let's begin" the ref called. Brighid tried getting focused but found her attention constantly shifting to the bleachers. The whistle blew and the ball was dropped, Brighid, however, zoned out missed her opportunity for a steal and was left trying to catch up.

"Pick it up Scott" the coach yelled. Brighid immediately knew she needed to be in the zone.

The rest of the game she was focused trying to score as many points as she could while keeping the team winning. Thankful she was successful in doing so.

The last buzzer rang, ending the game. Brighid tired and worn huffed over to the locker room with the rest of the team.

"Great game everyone" Brighid announced as she walked out freshly changed. As she opened the doors it was none other than her father waiting for her outside in the hallway.

"Nice job, for an amateur. What happened to averaging 22 points?" Dan commented. A sly grin was on his face.

"We won, didn't we?" Brighid asked snotty. Dan scoffed at her comment.

"14 lousy points. A monkey could do better for all I know. That's not really scout worthy!" Dan shouted banging on the locker next to Brighid's head. She flinched seeing the fist close to her face. "Maybe I should-" Dan threatened getting louder and more aggressive until a voice cut him off.

"Dan!" Deb yelled appalled by his behavior. The two looked down the hall to find Jake, Jenny and Mouth waiting by the exit. Deb standing by the gym doors. Girls exited from the locker room to see what was happening. Whitey who had watched the game came out of his office as well.

Dan lifted his hands and weight off the lockers, straightening out his jacket. Brighid seizing the opportunity to get away, quickly moved to her right, passing her mother who had open arms, hoping to comfort her.

"A word for-" Mouth began holding the mic. He seemed hesitant to ask after witnessing what just happened.

"Not now Mouth" Brighid muttered holding back tears as she pushed the exit doors open. Jake and Jenny following after her.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked gripping Brighid's arm. There was concern written all over his face.

"You see why I want to leave so bad now?" Brighid asked in a soft voice before walking away to her car. She quickly unlocked it, throwing her gym bag in the passenger seat before resting her arms and head on the steering wheel crying.

Later that night Mouth headed to Karen Roe's.

"Mayor Roe?" Mouth asked as she opened the door. Karen laughed.

"You may be the only one to call me that" Karen joked.

"I wouldn't be so sure. Not very mayoral of Dan Scott" Mouth explained showing the video of Dan getting aggressive with Brighid. Karen looked at Mouth wide-eyed.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now