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"Jake can we talk?" Brighid called out as she stood on his porch. She had knocked a few times but found it obvious he was ignoring her. "I'm sorry okay. I would have told you if I remembered"

The front door opened to reveal Jake looking pissed off.

"Brighid look I just need some time. I'll see you tonight" Jake said.

"But-" Brighid said as the door shut on her face. She sighed throwing her arms up in the air as she headed back to her car. She then proceeded to the school where she promised to help Brooke out.

She walked in wiping her tears away, the few tears she had shedded on her drive over.

"Peyton have you seen Brooke?" Brighid asked.

"No, but she's not too happy with you. Apparently you were sleeping with Mike at the same time as  Brooke. Might want to avoid her"

"Great. I was suppose to get ready at her house" Brighid sighed, her hands rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"Come over to mine. I wasn't planning on doing much but at least we can get ready together" Peyton offered.

"Thanks. I'll be over later. I'm not too sure why I'm even excited about tonight. Jake won't talk to me"

"He'll come around. Now help me fold the napkins"

Brighid walked back into the house to find Haley and Nathan dating.

"How many girls Nathan? You know what it's just easier to cross off the phone book of who you didn't" Haley exploded. Nathan placed the phone book down and left the room.

"What's happening?" Brighid asked.

"Nothing much. Just your sex tape getting me in trouble with my hormonal pregnant wife. She asked if I did anything like that and then proceeded to argue about all the people I spelt with so thanks. Thanks a lot" Nathan snapped heading upstairs. Brighid peeped into the room to find Haley shuffling through all the videos.

She headed upstairs to her room packing all of the things she needed before heading over to Peyton's.

Once the two were dressed and ready they headed downstairs, only to be met by crazy Derek. He pulled Brighid and Peyton into the basement tapping her mouth shut and her body against the chair. He then head Peyton text Lucas she would be late.

Brighid watched as Derek held Peyton against his body, injecting her with some sort of relaxant. She quickly faded out of consciousness. Derek cracked a smile doing the same for Brighid. She tried to scream but the tape over her mouth made it hard to.

Brighid finally came to only to realize Peyton was still knocked.

"So what do we do with you? Is anyone looking for you?" Derek asked. Brighid shook her head no crying to be let free.

"Wrong answer! Your little boyfriend has been texting you for an hour now. Told him you were mad which seemed to work. So for now you'll go mighty night like Peyton here" Derek whispered before plunging the needle back into Brighid's arm.

She came to feeling extremely groggy. She looked around to find Brooke walking down the steps. Peyton was freaking out in her chair when Derek came up behind Brooke.

He placed her in a chair tying her arms up. Derek removed the cloth from both Peyton and Brighid's mouth making both girls immediately scream for help. It was useless however since they were in the basement with music blasting. Derek climbed the stairs leaving the girls alone.

The girls eventually stopped becoming exhausted.

"Why did you come?" Brighid asked with a sting of anger.

"We have been talking about prom since we were like 7 and 8. I knew something was wrong. Figured you were with Peyton when you didn't come to my house to get ready" Brooke explained.

"Gosh can you two just stop being petty for once. It kills me sometimes" Peyton said.

"Right Peyton. That's why I'm here to kill them both for you. They cause too much pain in your life" Derek said as he walked down the stairs with a knife in hand. He brushed the tip against Brighid and Brooke's neck.

Peyton convinced Derek to let her kill the two. She slapped both of them before grabbing the knife and stabbing Derek. Peyton tried to quickly untie Brooke while Derek was down. The moment he got up from
the floor Peyton sprinted upstairs. Brooke untied herself before helping Brighid.

"Come on we need to help Peyton" Brooke whispered rushing up the basement steps.

The two rushed up to Peyton's bedroom where they worked together to battle Derek. Peyton threw punches with her boxing glove while Brooke and Brighid kneed and punched when they had the opportunity.

Brooke got Derek right near the top of the stairs.

"Peyton eighth grade cheerleading camp" Brooke called out quickly crouching down. Peyton kicked Derek down the stairs where he was finally knocked out.

The three sat outside on the porch as police and ambulance took Derek away.

"You girls are safe now" the officer said. The three looked at each other, completely bruised and beaten.

"So prom?" Brighid asked. Brooke and Peyton smiled.

The three walked in just as Prom Queen was announced which was given to Brooke. She graciously took the crown.

"Brighid what happened?" Jake asked all concerned. She was clearly covered in blood and looked horrible.

"It's a long story. Just promise me. No more fights. I can't handle it" Brighid weakly muttered clinging onto Jake. He rested his hand on top of Brighid's and stroked her hair trying to calm her down.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now