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A few weeks later....

"Jenny breakfast" Brighid called out from the kitchen. The young child ran down the stairs from her bedroom, ready for kindergarten.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Jake asked as he packed her lunch, shoving it into Jenny's messy backpack.

"I'm meeting Nate for lunch" Brighid said with a raised eyebrow. "Something just clicked, Haley said. He's on the road to being Nathan again". Brighid handed Jenny a plate with scrambled eggs which devoured quite quickly.

Jake smiled. "Good. I think Nathan needed to make a return sooner than later" Jake helped Jenny off the seat as he looked at the time on the stove. "Come on. Bus will be here any minute".

"Oh, we also have the Clothes over Bros store opening tonight. Jenny is going over to Nathan and Haley's to spend time with Jamie and the new babysitter" Brighid explained. Jake responded with an okay before ushering the child out the door onto the bus and himself into the car to head to work.
Later that evening after dropping Jenny off the two drove over to Karen's old cafe.

"You, you look amazing" Jake commented out of nowhere. Brighid smiled, she was unsure of how she looked after feeling slightly provocatively dressed.

"I'm glad we decided to stay. This is the kind of stuff I want to be doing. Supporting friends, while hanging out with the others" Brighid said grabbing Jake's free hand. He squeezed her hand lightly as he pulled into a parking spot. The two walked in through the back, holding hands and acting like the couple they were in high school.

Brighid walked up to Brooke grabbing her in a hug.

"B. Davis. This is amazing"

"Really? I'm glad you like it. You look hot by the way" Brooke commented admiring Brighid's dress.

"Doesn't she?" Jake whispered giving the two girls a wink before heading to talk to the others. Brooke and Brighid stepped to the side to talk.

"I have a little proposal. Come model for me"

"Brooke, I'm not a model"

"No, but you can be. For my athletic line. It's new and it needs a familiar face. You're perfect. What do you say?" Brooke asked all giddy.

"Fine" Brighid sighed knowing Brooke wouldn't let her say no. Brooke jumped up and down all happy before excusing herself across the shop. Brighid stood awkwardly by herself for a moment until Lucas and Peyton walked in together.

"Hey. You look amazing" Lucas greeted, kissing his sister on the cheek.

"Thank you, Lucas. Where's Lindsey?" Brighid asked all curious. It wasn't like Lucas to come alone.

"She's in New York. I came with Peyton" Lucas said. Brighid turned to Peyton giving her a surprised look and wink before turning back. Brighid walked around the store looking for Jake when she ran into the last person she wanted to see. Victoria Davis.

"I know you. You're the teen pregnancy my daughter was friends with. I'm glad to see she's still friends with you" Victoria said all disgusted. Brighid gave a weak smile.

"Woah that was harsh" Lucas commented behind her.

"That's just her way of saying hi. In high school she wouldn't let me live it down. Thought I was the bad influence on Brooke" Brighid explained. Lucas rolled his eyes.

As the night continued on Brighid and Jake began to say their goodbyes heading out with Nathan and Haley were the four met the babysitter.

"Mom?" Jenny called out from down the hall.

"Jenny" Brighid said crouching down as the girl ran towards her. The two hugged before Jake picked up Jenny.

"Thank you again Carrie" Brighid said paying her portion to the sitter. Carrie smiled before saying Goodnight to Jenny. The three walked out of the house and headed home themselves.

After they put Jenny to bed Jake and Brighid sat on the couch winding down from the day they had.

"You won't believe what Brooke asked me". Jake turned to Brighid to listen to what she had to say. "She wants me to model her new athletic line"

"Brig, no way"

"Jake I can't model"

"I think you'll be great" Jake said planting a kiss on her lips. Brighid couldn't help but smile a little.

"Good because I don't think you'll dump a model now" Brighid joked. The two laughed at the joke.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now