Chapter 4

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You woke up early in the morning with your Ukulele on your back and a bucket in your hands.

You did some reasearch and the fish your trying to catch come up on the shore a little early but not to early.

You yawned and rubbed your eyes, but continued to walk anyway.

You didn't tell anyone where you were going, because you wanted to walk alone.

You've had so many people around recently, so being alone would be nice for a change.

"Ah! Theres the part of the beach I need to go too! Now just too--EEP!" You yelped when you saw a boy sitting there all by himself.

His shoes were layed neatly to the side and he was reading a book.

He had blue hair fading into red.

He wore a purple hoodie fading into white at the sleeves with jeans and sneakers.

He stared at the book and closed it.

"Okay...Here it goes!" He took put a wand making you raise an eyebrow.

"Selepticas--Arrow magicas!" The wand made a small spark but nothing came out.

"Darnet...How am I supposed to make magical arrows...Am I saying the spell wrong?" He looked back in his book as you stared at him amazed.

'A witch! Like Auntie Lucy! Hes another kid...Hes another kid! Maybe I should say hi! Wait...Thats to foreward...I want to make a good first impression. Maybe I should try, 'Hi! I'm Y/N!' No...You can't just do that! 'Heey...Dude?' Dude? No way! I make friends? This is hard...'

Your thoughts ran into eachother as you tried to figure out what to say.

You heard him move again and he had placed the book and wand down. He began to play the Violin.

"Wow...Hes good." You muttered.

You remembered that you had your Ukulele and took it out. He was playing, 'Riptide'.

You were a little bit new to the song on account of only recently learning it with Aaron.

He started to play the beginning making you gulp.

As he went on you slowly began to join him.

He turned around shocked but didn't stop playing.

He slowly backed up as you smiled at him and played.

You hummed to the song a little as he stared at you odd.

As if he was trying to figure you out.

"And they come unstuck..." You muttered.

"Lady! Running down to the riptide!" "T-Taken away to the dark side..." He muttered nervously. "I wanna be your left hand man!" You grinned. "I love you...When your singing that song and..." "I got a lump in throat cause! Your gonna sing the words wrong!"

You laughed and stopped playing as he chuckled.

"I didn't think Ukulele and violin together."

"They do. At least, thats what I like to think. Sorry...I didn't mean to disturb you..." You smiled, sheepishly as your ears fell a little.

"Your a...Werewolf." "EEP!" "Fasinating. I've never seen one in person. More so talked to one. Whats your name." He questioned, placing his violin back in it's case.

"My name? My names Y/N. How about you?"

"My names Asher."

"Its nice to meet you Asher!" You smiled, sticking out your hand.

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