Chapter 13

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Watching as the kids ran out either laughing it screaming, You stared at the rain pour down onto the buses and streets below.

"Y/n! You better get moving or else the rains gonna drentch you really hard!" A student called.

"Hm. Okay!" You yelled back.

Maybe this was a good time to ask Alex to hang out.

Whenever you ask them do anything that involves you both alone, they thrawt your attempts to drawn out conversation that waste time or just random excuses.

Even lies!

You told Asher about it but he told you that Alex was one of the most honest people he knew which rose some questions from you.

Noticing Alex walking outside you ran over to them before wrapping an arm sround theirs.

"Hey Alex! You wanna come home with me today? Its rainy and you shouldn't be home by yourself!"

"Who said I was going to be by myself? You stalking me or something, Wolfy?"

"No! Yesturday you told me you would be home alone since your parents would be out and theres no need for you to clean your room today cause you did it the day before yesturday and yes my Mom is fine with it because I asked her before hand and no we won't be alone because Ethan is coming with!"

"Oh! Y/n, you ready to go?" Ethan grinned.

Alex paused, mouth agape.


You really did think this through.

All of the inconing questions already seemed to be answered by your statement.

Stammering a little, Alex scratched the back of their neck.

"I mean...I guess I can stay for a little bit--"

"Awesome! Lets go!" You grinned, grabbing Ethan and Alexs hands before dragging them over to your bus.

Ethan laughed at the sudden jostling while Alex just stared at you, completely shocked by your 180 personality shift.

Your normally persistent but not this persistent.

But they just went along with it as its not like they could say no at this point.

You three were literally already on the bus.

"I can't believe I'm going to your house..! Is it big? Small? Oo! Your parents! What're they like? Logan told me your Aaron is pretty scary. But that your Mama was nice! Am I going to be able to meet your Abuela too?"

Ethan continued to ask questions, not really giving you a chance to answer making you laugh a little.

Alexs expression seemed a little indifferent about the entire situation as she fiddled with the end of her still slight ripped scarf, either not caring or not showing their excitment through actions which made you frown a little bur you stayed determined.

You were going to find out why she lied to you and how she really feels about the entire Zoo situation!

Reaching the bus stop you, Ethan, and Alex quickly run back to your house as the rain poured down harder.

"Shoot--I wish I brought an Umbrella!" Alex groaned.

"This is fun! Ow--Water got in my eye..." Ethan mumbled.

"Don't worry, my house is right here!"

You were able to get under the shade of your home as you pulled out your home key.

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