Chapter 9

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Katelyn walked down the stairs while you watched TV.

You were so excited!

Christmas is tommorow and that means you get to give out gifts to everyone!

You hid them all in Aphmaus closet and when she asked what you were doing you just smiled cheekily at her.

But then it dawned on you.

Santa checks if you've been naughty or nice.

So what have you been doing recently?

What if he sees what you've done BEFORE you met Aphmau.

He'd put you on the naughty list for sure.

You whined before you heard Michis name being spoke and you ran toward Aphmau.


"What about Michi?" You glared.

"Nothing. Kawaii~Chans just taking care of her cause shes sick."

"Are you serious....? Why does Kawaii~Chan help that woman anyway!? She LITERALLY stole her man!" Katelyn scoffed. 

"Well...Yeah...I mean--"

"Infront of her mind you!"

"Yeah! Michis not a very nice person!" You pouted.

"Well...Michis been real sick since after the party. I think she caught it from Reese. You haven't noticed that he hasn't been delivering any pizza store door since the party lately?"

"I don't answer the door. So. No." Katelyn scoffed.

"Well...I ended up calling the pizza place not too long ago so I could check up on Reese!"

"Isn't that a little...Weird?" Katelyn questioned.

"Uh...I don't think so! Hes a cool guy! Plus he hooks us up with extra hot wings!" Aphmau giggled.

You sighed and shook your head.

She really likes those hot wings.

"But really...Hes been out sick since the party soo..."

"That doesn't explain why Kawaii~Chan would help that disgusting woman!" "Agreed!" You growled.

"Michis not a nice person! If she were sick, I'd let her be sick!"

"Well girls...Kawaii~Chan is a very kind person. Who cares about everyone. Even if they're messed up..." 

"I'm just glad it wasn't Kawaii~Chan who got sick." You smiled, walking off.

"Agreed. As long as she doesn't bring that sickness here, I don't care." Katelyn scoffed, ruffling your head.

You laughed and went back to laying on the couch as Aphmau held her cookies.

"Santa is going to love these! Look how freshly baked they are!"

"Thats cute. Your really serious about this huh?" Katelyn smirked.

"Of course I am! I went to santa himself and he said I've been a really good girl this year! So of course I'm gonna butter him up with some cookies!"

"When did you go to Santa?"

"Well Katelyn! When I went shopping for presents. Duh!"

"She forced me to say hi too!" You smiled.

"Your...Weird. You might be just as bad as Kawaii~Chan. The only reason you were able to get away with that, is cause you had Y/N with you." Katelyn scoffed.

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