Chapter 22

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F/D: Favorite Drink
You covered your ears with a pillow to block out the annoying groans of the cats.

"UAGHH! THERE ARE TOO MANY CATS!" Katelyn growled.

"Aphmau, Hun, I love cats as much as the next person but...Katelyn has a point. THERES TO MANY CATS!"

"Get. Them out!" You glared.

"Aww! But they're so small! They don't take up any room!"

"THEY TOOK MY BED!" Travis pointed as all the cats rolled around on his bed.

"Yeah, but they took it AFTER you were done using it." "Ah, True..." "What about me!? They ate all my food!"

"Prove it." Katelyn dragged Aphmau over to the table and pointed to the empty plate and crumbs.

"Look. They ate MY food."

"T-That's just an empty plate! It proves nothing!"

"Oh yeah? They tried to eat Bubba earlier! Now hes to scared to do any of the flipping tricks I taught him! Those cats'll eat anything and you can't convince me otherwise!" You scoffed.

"Not to mention! Tubby cat is right next to the plate with crumbs next to him!"

"Meow..." The cat bellowed.

"Aww! He was just hungry!"

"So...Was I."

"But hes so cute!"

"What about Celestia?" "She's been playing with the kittens. It's like she has lots of little brothers and sisters now!"

"Aphmau!" Katelyn groaned.

"Ugh...Fine. I'll take them back to the Crazy Cat Lady's apartment."

"Thank Irene..." You sighed.

"How do you plan to get rid of all of them?" Travis questioned.

"Ehehe...Easy! We'll get Kawaii~Chan to help!"

"Does she even speak cat?" You muttered.

"Aphmau...Just because she's a Mei'fwa one doesn't mean she can communicate with--"

In a flash, Kawaii~Chan was leading all the cats away with fish and back to the crazy cat ladys apartment.

"Huh. What do you know." You smiled.

"Ehehe...You were saying? Katelyn, I've known Kawaii~Chan long enough to know; she knows cats."

"Fine...You know her best I guess..."

"Well, you gotta be KITTEN me." You groaned and covered your ears.

"Oh, no no no! No more cat puns! I am leaving meow! Ugh! Now I'l doing it!" Katelyn wailed, before running off.

A few hours later, you sat in the grass at the park and let the crab you found explore the new found area.

Bubba was safe and sound at home since there were no more cats around and nobody would try and eat him.

You made Kawaii~Chan promise too.

"Enjoying your Poopsie?" Katelyn smiled.

"Yeah..." Aphmau sighed.

"What about you Y/N? You likin' your
F/D?" "Mhm~!" You grinned, as your crab picked up a peice of grass with his claw and shook it a little.

"Huh...Man...It feels like it's been forever since we've been to the park. I don't even think I've even taken Y/N to the park."

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