Chapter 21

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You watched Zane complain to Aphmau as you drank your juice.

Celestia hopped into your lap as you stroked her fur.

"F-Fine. But, what if I end up....Liking this girl." Zane questioned.

"Trust me. You won't." You mumbled, ears low.

Aphmau shook her head at you before turning to Zane.

"Don't listen to her. You actually might. She has a soul as black as yours~" "HEY!" Zane growled.

You started laughing and layed down on the bed.

"Ehehehe~!" "Ehehe!" You and Aphmau giggled.

"Calm down Zane. I know behind all of that darkness is an adorable rainbow of Ponys and Sprinkles~"

"Ugh! I...I can't be upset with you."

"Look, is it really a bad thing if you end up liking her?"

"Ye--" "Didn't ask you. I don't need your comment." Aphmau smirked, cutting you off.

You pouted and drank the rest of your juice.

"Of course it is! I haven't---I don't---I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT LOVE IS! How do I go about handeling it? What if she wants to touch my hand? Should I bring hand sanitizer!?"

"Ehe! You are WAY overthinking this. Again, its NOT a date. Though...Uh...It is Michi. Shes very...Flirtatious. Especially with Laurance and Reese."

"Why are you even inviting her if no one likes her?"

"Thats what I want to know." You sighed.

The two began to go back and forth again as Zane made Aphmau flustered.

"Ha! Tomato face!" You giggled.

"Heh...Your cute when you get nervous~" Zane smirked.

"Heh...She is." Aaron added.

You jumped.

When did he get in here!?

You don't mind but still.

A warning would be nice.

"Ah! Aaron!" Aphmau yelped.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Zane growled.

"Hey Aaron~!" You waved, running over to him.

"I wanted to talk to Aph." He smiled, picking you up.

"L-Look! This isn't what it looks like! I'm--"

"No need to explain. I know your a good friend of  hers."

"Huh. More docile the Garroth and Laurance I see..."

"Yeah. Hes more level-headed." You smiled.

"Guess your learning new words." Aaron chuckled, making you laugh.

"Y-You wanted to talk to me?" Aphmau questioned.

"Yes...Is...This a date?"

"I-I-I mean...It doesn't have to be b-but I mean--If we both wanted it to it could be but--"

"Of course its a date."

"zAnE!" Aphmau growled.

"What heppened to, 'You should learn to be more foreward' hmmm~?" He questioned.

"I'd...Like it to be a date honestly." Aphmau sqeakes as you shifted.

Should you leave the room?

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