Chapter 14

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You strummed your Ukulele as Asher tuned up his violin.

"What are they doing?" Sylvana whispeared.

"Their going to sing a song from that one cartoon, Steven Universe!"

"Just let them have it. They were really excited to sing this to you." Katelyn smiled.

"1...2...1, 2, 3, 4! The sun if bright pur shirts are clean, were sitting up above the sea, come on and share this jam with me!"

"Peach or pulm or strawberry...Any kind is fine you see, come on and share this jam with me! I'll do my best...To give this jam the sweetness is deserves..." Asher smiled softly.

"And I'll keep it fresh! I'm jamming on these tastey preserves!" You grinned, wagging your tail.

"Ingredients and harmony, we mix together perfectly. Come on share this jam with me!"

"Nice job Nieta! Your song was great!"

"Mhm! But Asher came up with the idea! We pracrice together all the time! And sometimes Aaron."

"The devil!?" Sylvana growled, making Asher flinch.

"Whats her beef with Aaron?" "Dunno. Whenever I ask all they say is High School." You muttered.

Asher shrugged and sat on couch motioning you to come and sit next to him.

Suddenly there was a bee on the wall making you yelp lightly and grip to Asher.

"Y/N, calm down. Its only a bug." "Oh no! Theres a Bee on the wall! Don't worry ladies! I'll get it! ERIC SMASH!" Eric smiled, killing the Bee and breaking the wall.

"Thanks Dad."

"Wow! Katelyn! Your Dad is so strong! I'd hate to think of what would have if he punched a person in the face like he did that wall just now! Man!"

"Why would you think about that?" Asher questioned.

Aphmau shrugged.

You guys went back into the house while Eric made strawberry puffs.

"So! Mija! Tell me, how is your trip going to far?" "Great! I've been spending a lot of time with Aaron!" Aphmau smiled, making Sylvana growl before quickly recomposing herself.

"Anything else?" Sylvana questioned as you reached for a strawberry puff.

Asher smacked your hand away and waved a finger at you. You pouted in response and crossed your arms.

"Teony and I recently went on a spa day together! Then we went clothes shopping, then we stopped to talk to this cute girl she was intrested in, I've been helping Y/N and Asher catch a fish they keep truing to find...Then...Uhm...Oh! Me and Katelyn have been vollyball a lot! Zane and I went around the island looking for thr best store with cupcakes."

"What about you Neita?"

"I hung out with Asher, I went swimming with Auntie Lucinda, I take Hula classes with Garroth, Dante and...Third person who will not be named, and erm...Ah! Me, Ivy, and Garroth went to look at the Fire dancers and got icecream afterward! And Aphmau took me to the aquarium thats on this island!"

"I see...Well, I'm glad you two are having fun! What about you Katelyn darling?"

"Hm...Its been going good. I don't go out as much as those two except go to the spa or play vollyball. And swimming occasionally. Other then that, I've just been taking it easy peasy."

"What about Tra--"

"I don't think its your place to say anything Y/N. Cause wjatever you say may get us in trouble." Asher sighed, covering your mouth.

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