Chapter 8

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|D/N: Design Name|
"So, How's everyones pumpkins going?" Aaron questiones. "Going great! Just need to add a few more details."

"This is hard!" You pouted.

"Uh--Thats cause your making it hard." Asher chuckled. "Yeah. Its easy once you get the hang of it!" Logan nodded.

Rocky was to focused on hers to answer.

"My pumpkin is going to be better then yours, Aaron!" "And know do you know that?" "I just know!" You rolled your eyes at the couple before focusing on your pumpkin.

"Whats her problem?" "Shes mad cause we were both looking for the biggest pumpkin and I happenes to find it first."

"Why didn't you just give her the pumpkin?" "I tried! But she'a being way to stubborn." "Oh Aph..." You sighed.

"Hey! I can still hear you y'know!" You peared over as Rocky and leaned your head on her shoulder as she designed her pumpkin.

Hers had the moon and starts carved in all pretty like. If she painted it, you were sure it would look like the galexy.

"Your real good at that Rox'..." You murmured. "Mhm..." She answered.

It was unusal to see her so focused on something.

"Finished!" Logan cheered. His only had a lightening bolt on it. "Thays pretty plain Logan."

"But its like my sweater!" "Still, you could've added something else." "Says the on who hasn't started." Asher retorted.

"Okay then, What'd you make smart mouth." You scoffed with an eyeroll.

"A witches hat."

"Yours is plain too..." Ashers cheeks went pink in embarrassment as he turned away.

"S-Shut up and focus on yours!" He pouted. You giggled and decided to mind your own buisness.

After a few minutes, you were able to put the finale touches on your pumpkin.

Your eyes sparkled.with pride.

"Well, If you guys are done bickering...Are you ready to turn in your pumpkins?"

"Yeah! When are they doing the judging?"

"Their going to do it later today. Heard they're going to place the winners on the winning table so people can pick up their prizes."

"Great! Look at mine! I made a Kitty!" "I made a wolf." "I made a witches hat." "I made a lightening bolt!" "Mm...DONE! I MADE THE GALEXY!" Rocky grinned, showing off her pretty pumpkin.
"Awesome! I made a D/N!" "I tried to make a bat." "I just stabbed mine."

"What the--!?"

"Its for halloween...It-Its symbolic! It represents just how the job market has been treating as of late!" Zane growled out.

"Y/n...Your friends are scary..." Logan whispeared.

"Uh...I uh...I think I'm just going to turn in my Pumpkin. Kids, follow me and step slowley away from the Emo kid." Laurance whispeared.

You four nodded and followed Laurance to turn in your pumpkins.

You, Asher, Logan, and Rocky sat your pumpkins side by side with eachother and admired your work.

"I really like yours Rocky." "Yeah, you may win." You and Asher commented.

"Aw shucks, I don't think I did all that well." Logan have the girl a shocked look. "YOU MADE THE WHOLE FREAKING GALAXY!"

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