Chapter 20

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You waited for Aphmau to get back inside the house as she went to get that mail.

You jumped as the door slammed open.

The boys ran in with Aphmau in their arms making you gasp.

"G-Guys!? Why are you barging in like this! And what the heck happened to Aphmau!" You yelped.


"Emergency!?" Katelyn yelled, running downstairs.

"Kawaii~Chan has first aid!" They saw Aphmau and quickly put her on the couch.

"What the heck happened!?" You yelled.

Travis looked to the side nervously making you shoot him a sharp glare that could peirce the hearts of anyone.

And not in a good way.

"What. Did. You. Do." You glared.

He trembled as you walked toward him before Katelyn picked you up.

"Calm down. Lets wait for Aphmau to come to and we can ask her." You nodded.

Now you all looked over the couch staring at her with worrying faces as Kawaii~Chan went to get water.

Garroth and Laurance were glaring daggers at Travis but still.

"Travis, what did you do to her!" Garroth growled.

"I swear if you hurt her! Laurance glared.

"Its not my fault!" Travis pleaded.

"Shut up you dorks! Shes waking up!"

"Aw...So I can't give her CPR?" You glared at him making him sink back and close his mouth.

"Huh? W-What happened?" Aphmau questioned, sitting up.

You jumped ontop of her and hugged her as Katelyn gushed over her.

"Oh Aphmau! I was so worried!"

"We saw Travis talking to you from across the street and didn't think nothing of it until you turned bright red and fainted!"

"We rushed over here to see what happened!"

"Then they brought you inside."

"Kawaii~Chan has the water!"

"Shes awake Kawaii~Chan! Don't worry about it." Katelyn sighed, in relief.

Just then there was a ring at the doorbell as Kawaii~Chan went to grab it.

You rubbed your cheek against Aphmaus as she hugged you telling you to 'Calm down' and that 'She was fine'.

"So what happened Aphmau? Travis said you turned red because of his devilishly good looks which we ALL know is a total lie."

"I-I...Don't remember. All I remember is Travis being annoying and..."

"Hey..." Aaron smiled, strutting in. "Ohthatsrightheshereohmygosh." Aphmau mumbled.

"Aaron!" You grinned, hopping off Aphmau and running to him.

He hugged you as Laurance and Garroth growled to themselves.

"Ehehe~! This is perfect! Kawaii~Chan is going to go in the kitchen to make cookies!"

"Are you alright?" Aaron questioned, placing you on his back.

"I-I'm...I'm fine...Thank you Aaron." Aphmau blushed.

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