Chapter 31

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"One, two...One two three go!" Aaron smiled down at you as you played a cheery little tune on your ukelele on his lap, singing a small song with random words that didn't truely make up a song.

Or...Maybe it did.

"Flowers will die. The sun will set. But you're a friend so I won't forget! Your name is precious, it will never grow old. It's engraved in my heart in letter of gold!"

"Where'd that corney little song come from?"

"Dunno. Just thought about it. Wanna know who I'm singing about?" "Who..." Aaron chuckled.

"Don't matter. It ain't you! That's for sure!" "Ain't isn't a word, fluffy." "Hey! Ahaha! Quit it!" Aaron laugh and tickled you with one hand as you squirmed in his lap.

You couldn't help but be a tad more clingy with him after having him stay home for good.

It was refreshing and comforting knowing he'd be there whenever you came home.

And if he wasn't, you knew he'd be back eventually.

And that's what made you happy.

Aaron eventually came to a stop and let you play some more while going back onto his laptop.

That's when Aphmau came down.

"Hm...Hey babe. Random question." "Hm?" "If you had one place in the world that you've never been to but really wanted to go, where would it be?"

That made you stop playing.

Somewhere you've never been?

There's a lot of places you've never been.

But there is also no where you'd rather be right now.


This was actually quite the question to be curious about.

"Ha! Olive Garden." That made you laugh while Aphmau smiled down at you.

"You've already been there. And - what I meant is - Is there somewhere you've always wanted to go but never been given the opportunity?"

"Uh...We already went to Love~Love Paradise." "Yeah! That's where I met Asher! That was so much fun!" You grinned fondly at the sudden memory.

"Yeah, It was fun." Aaron nodded toward you before looking back at Aphmau again, "Anywhere else?"

"Hm...! Oh! Starlight Wonderland!"
"What? Really?" Starlight...Wonder... "What?" You spoke aloud, "I've never heard of this place. What is it?"

"Oh! Y/n! It's a huge amusment park on an amazing island with tons of activitys and all the food you can eat!" Your eyes sparkled in surprise.

Such a placed exsisted but Aphmau had never taken you!? And it wounded so magical too!

No wonder it was called a 'Wonder Land'!

"Can we go!" You grinned.

"Ahh...I'm not sure about that." "Whaat? But you just said you wanted to go!" "I know. But that place is hard to reserve, no matter how much money you have!"

"Aww..." You sulked, ears flattening against your head.

"I know, Y/n. I've wanted to go there ever since I was your age!" "For real?" "For real. But, of course, we never went." "Uh-Huh..." Aaron nodded.

You looked up and gave him a look of concern.

His mind almost seemed as if it were elsewhere instead of jumping into the conversation you and Aphmau were having.

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