Chapter 19

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Sitting up in your bed with a yawn you smacked your lips a few times before peeking your eyes open to look around you room.

Everything looked...Hazy?

Well, that might be because you just woke up.

You just need to give yourself a moment to be fully awake.

But then again, this was a little bit different.

You didn't actually feel like yourself today.

Your ears sagged no matter how hard you attempted to pick them up and your tail was hurting you.


You whined and crawled out of bed but almost immediately fell to the ground.

The impact made a headache wash over you as you hissed before wincing.

You hadn't even realized your voice was practically gone until you tried to call out for your Mom.

"A-Aph...Moooom!" You whined.

Just speaking made you exert energy and you began to pant from exhaustion.

What was happening to you?

You hadn't felt like this since you spent that night in the rain.

Luckily, some woman brought you in and gave you something to help you get better.

The rest after that is a blur.

"C-Celes...tia! Eli...? Bubba...A-Aaron?...A-Aaronnn!"

Hearing foot steps coming toward your room.

The jiggle of the door knob made your tail thumb against the ground slowly and it opened to reveal Aaron.

"Hey Y/n, Aphs sick so you may have to ask someone else to take you to--Oh my irene!"


"Are you okay? Whats wrong?"

"Don't...Don't feel good..." "Okay, Okay. It's okay. I'm here."

You reached your arms out and allowed Aaron to scoop you up into his arms.

You felt yourself being carried but was unable to open your eyes.

"Mm...Where's Mama..." "Your Mamas in bed. She's feeling bad too." "A-Am I poisoned Aaron? I-I promise I didn't eat any chocolates..." "Your fine Y/n...Your just sick."

"Sick?...Oh yeah...I've been sick before. B-But I can still go fishing with Ashers sister and Ethan and everyone else, right?"

"Nope...Sorry Y/n. I know you were looking foreward to this but you can't go anywhere the way you are now."

"Ohh...T-That sucks..." You sniffled.

"Don't cry. I know this sucks but you don't want to get your friends sick, right?"

"No...I don't..."

"Right. You'll be better in no time with TLC." "What that mean?" "Tender love and care."

"Ehe...I like that...Can I call Asher on your phone n'...n' tell him I can't go? He got one a few weeks ago and he added you and Aphs mumber on it so he can call me whenever."

"Its number but...of course, hon'." "Hon'..?...Thanks Aaron." "Mhm..."


Now you rested next to your mother in her bed with water by your sides in case either of you get parched.

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