Chapter 5

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"It's all over the radio, right now!" Michi shouted. You continued to glare. Kawaii~Chan may have been over the whole 'Michi kissing her crush' thing, but you weren't. I mean, who treats their friends that way!? Not cool at all!

"The radio...Ah! I left mine in the backroom! Be right back, I need to get it!" It was right when Liochant left that Aphmau and Aaron got passed their shock and snapped back to reality.




"Wa-Wait you guys are-" "Wait..Michi? From Highschool!"

Does everything with everyone always have to do with highschool..?

"Yeah..? Who are you...You don't look like anyone I know." "That's cause she got beautiful! N-Not that she was less beautiful..bu-but she's still great! Better than you, yo-you ugly..uhh...fleabag!"


"Oh...I remember you," Michi scoffed, "You're the brat that bit me. I still have the scar, y'know." You suddenly felt your stomach forming that weird feeling again.

What's the word, what's the word...

Oh..yeah. Guilt.

You hated that feeling.

Even more when it was first introduced to you. Its like you're sick and sad at the same time.

And it never failed to make your ears and tail sink low.

Kinda like now, I suppose.

"Oh..right...I-I forgot about that..." You mumbled meekly, voice going soft and timid. Michi just nodded before looking at Aaron with a predatory gaze.

"But you on the other hand-" "No..." "Hey! Watch it..." Aphmau glared, grabbing your hand to give you some sort of comfort at the bad memory.

And your tail was rising again.

So it must've been working.

"Oo~ Kittys got claws~?" You cringed internally.

Oh wow, that was really corny.


Really corny.

Level of second hand embarrassment corny.

"First of all, don't call me that. Second, leave Aaron and Y/n alone." "But messing with them makes you so mad. Its cute!" "If you have a problem with me, take it up with me. Leave them out of this.."

Liochant came back into the room shortly after Michi and Aphmaus debate, "I-I'm not getting any signal...Michi, just tell me the news!"

"Oh Liochant, the raido news said that there was a big storm coming! We're going to be hit with like, 2 to 3 feet of snow! What!? This can't be true!"

"It totally is!" You suddenly brightened up looking up at Aaron with excited eyes.

"Snow day?"

"No, Y/n. Sometimes too much snow can be bad and dangerous. This is one if those moments." You gasped, both hands covering your reddened cheeks,

"Oh no..."

Snow can be bad!?

This was serious, then!

"Michi heard it with her own ears! And Michi ears hear everything!" "Oh do they now.." "I heard that!" "What did I say!?" "Something about duty!" "I'm not that immature!"

You looked up at your Mom and did a small scale with your hand, "Eh..kinda on a fine line there Mom."

"Y/n!" "Sorry, just being honest." "Th..This can't be happening! A storm can't be coming, that means-"

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