Chapter 36

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"We're here!" Garroth cheered, breaking down the door of the hotel room you all were staying in.

Katelyn followed him, quick to scold for the destruction of property.

"Garroth! Are you serious!? This isn't our door! This is hotel property!"



You and Ethan cheered rushing into the room with Asher following.

"Stop shouting!" He groaned before rubbing his temples, "I swear, they give me a headache.."

"You wct more like an adult than a kid, Asher!" Travis chuckled, making the boy shrug his shoulders and follow you and Ethan further into the bedroom.

"Anyhow, relax babe! I'll fix the door~. Door potion!" He called, splashing the bottle onto the ground.

But, to his surprise, a bunch of cats came flying out instead.

Was the potion made wrong-?


"Aw, man.." "Don't worry Travis. I've got this." Lucinda smirked, throwing down a potion of her own that fixed the door as it was supposed to.

Ashers eyes sparkled with amazement,

"So cool..." He breathed out as you and ethan jumped up and down on the bed.

"Aww...I'll never be that good..." "No, you won't. I will though~" "Asher!" Aphmau glared.

"What? I am her apprentice."

"Yes, you are. But no need to rub it in, kid." Lucinda winked making Asher nod with a smile, "Yes ma'am!"

"Even the kid is better than me!"

"I dunno Travis...Your skills have been improving." Katelyn comforted before Garroth went to apologize for his actions, "Sorry guys! I'm just so excited! I wasn't thinking straight."

"Thank irene Lucinda was here." "Can you guys stop goofing around? It's the first day of A-Con!"

"A-CON!" You and Ethan repeated. "Why'd you have to say that?" Asher frowned before looking at at your mother, "Thank you for driving me and Ethan by the way."

"No problem Asher."

All of your friends were really excited to go to A-con. But Ethan and Asher didn't have a ride this time around.

So in a last minute pick up, Aphmau decided to grab them. The twins, Logan, Rocky, and Alex should arrive soon.

"WE HAVE TO GET ON OUR COSTUMES!" "Whaat? No, not yet! Rocky and the others aren't here."

"Yeah! What about them?" "We're not gonna leave them, you two, calm down."

"What Aaron said. Besides, we also need to figure out who's sleeping where." "I call this one!" Aphmau called, quickly going to take the rught bed with Katelyn calling dibs on the left and Garroth taking the floor as he had his sleeping bag.

And Laurance...took the chair? "Whaat! No fair!" You huffed, "I'm sharing the bed with Mom!"

You hopped into the bed with Aphmau making her laugh and held you close to her.

"Y/nnn!" Ethan whined.

"What? Find your own place to sleep!" "Typical." Asher scoffed. But him and Ethans pouting was soon put to a stop by Travis placing his hands on their heads, "Don't worry boys, that just leaves us men with the other room."

"Yeah! Manly men!" Ethan grinned.

Asher just gave everyone a skeptical sort of look, "Is there a reason why everyone is trying to avoid the second room.."

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