Chapter 2

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Oh would you look at that, I've decided to continue with this little grateful lol

I honestly have no idea how this story is going to go, I'm honestly just winging every single fucking thing. So if the plot is confusing then your not alone because it's probably going to be confusing for me as well 😀

Anyways onwards with the chapter


3rd Person P.O.V

          Light shines through the plain white curtains and hits the blonde eyes as Tommy slowly awakes. He puts his arm above his head, trying to block the light as he regains his normal vision. He quickly looked around the room, not used to his surroundings before sitting up from his bed. Scanning the room once more, he finally got up, lazily throwing the covers and not fixing it. He quickly stretched his body as he headed out to the shared men's bathroom.

          It was a rather normal bathroom but just 10 times the normal size. One you entered it you were immediately greeted with how bright the tiles surrounding the entire room were. Sort of shocked with the sudden brightness, he entered inside. He began to fix himself up like brushing his teeth, occasionally waving at the people entering said bathroom. After finishing he played around with his hair, occasionally having small talk with the people in the room before heading out and to the main loft. There he sees that the others were awake and were currently making breakfast for all 20 or so people there.

          "Morning to the women in this room and screw you to the rest of you guys." Tommy said to everyone as he began to walk to an empty seat, ignoring all of the threats and insults coming his way. He began bickering a bit with Wilbur, who was sitting across from him, until everyone was down and breakfast was finished. They all gathered plates and utensils and soon dug in, all of them having a nice and calming conversation.

          "It's nice of them to provide us with ingredients. I felt like I'd loose a my last life if I had to continue eating cooked cod for 4 months straight." Tubbo commented as he took a bug bite out so a waffle. "Yeah, I didn't expect Techno to be such a good cook. Props to you dude." Quackity says, nodding his head to the pink haired man. "I may be an anarchist but it doesn't mean I can't learn how to cook without burning the entire kitchen down. I'm all for arson, but not if it affect me personally." Techno replied, receiving some chuckles in return. They all continued to talk with each other before they hear someone knock on the front door. Knowing it was someone from the other universe, they quickly set themselves into rp mode and switched seats, moving to their own factions and moving their seats farther than each other. Some even went into their different forms just to make it more believable. Quickly after, Wilbur, or Ghostbur now, headed to the door, ready to open it on Dreams command.

          "Okay Wil, you can open it now." Dream said as Wilbur gave a small nod. He quickly took out some blue he had in his pocket and got rid of his pupils, now only showing fully white eyes. He then opened the door. "Hello! How can I help you?" Wilbur said in a ghostly tone. The person at the door was none other than Aizawa. He looked basically the same as yesterday, only just a but more crusty. He looked over at the phantom and soon spoke.

          "Hello. Good morning. I came here to ask if any of you are interested in coming to out school for the time being. Just hanging out and interacting with the students there. The principal figured I'd be boring to keep all of you here, and we can't necessarily keep all of you hidden from the rest of U.A forever, so we're giving you guys this opportunity. Any of you in?" He asked as he entered the door and to the dining table where everyone else was. Everyone gave each other hesitant stares at each other and soon back at the crummy teacher. The room was once again silent, a reoccurrence ever since they got here less than a day ago. Bad soon spoke up.

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