Chapter 9

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                             y'all doing??

Are you guys fine? Because I'm certainly not! I deadass had three devices out on my bad and playing three different streams at the same time. (I was playing Techno's stream from my iPad, Tommy's on my phone, and Ranboo's on my laptop'

I'm still very fragile with everything lmao and lemme tell you I ain't ready for tomorrow. If Ranboo is streaming this shit tomorrow I'm going to fucking pass away and descend to hell.
I'd also like to thank all of you guys for the amazing suggestions you've been giving me. I'm going to try my best to fit them, but I might not be able to fit them all since I do still have some of my ideas I want to add to the story 👉👈

But with all of that out of the way, let's get on with the chapter!


3rd Person P.O.V

The group walked past the gates and into the building, quickly stopping by the shoe lockers and changing into the inside shoes before heading to class 1-A. It was still about half an hour until classes officially started so they had enough time to set up their streams and introduce the viewers to the new arc. They walk up the multiple flights of stairs until they finally made it to 1-A. The ones who weren't there yesterday were shocked to see how big the doors were.

"Dang, these doors are even taller than me," Ranboo comments as he tilts his head up, gazing at the size of the doors. "Okay we get it, dude, you're tall. You don't have to run it in." Quackity groans, causing a few small laughs to go around the group. They take one last check to get into their RP mindset and then open the door. With it still being early, there was only about a third of the class there, just chatting with their friends. They all walked inside in silence and walked to the back of the classroom where they stayed. And soon enough, split into their factions; L'manburg in one group, Techno and Tommy in the 'Anarchist Commune', and Dream by himself.

          "Okay, we should probably set up for out streams and shit. How many of you guys are going to stream?" Tommy whispers to everyone. Ranboo, Quackity, Tubbo, and Techno all slightly rose their hands, telling him that they were planning on streaming from their point of view. Tommy nods at all of them and they all get off to work. They all got out their communicators and began setting up, they didn't have their usual steaming stuff with them so they had to make use of what they had. The students that were already in the classroom watched as they settled up their streams, wondering what they were doing. They never received any context about what they had and what they do, so they could only find out once they did it.

          "It's going to be hard to do our intros without having any of us caught in our cameras. We should all each take a different side of the classroom." Ranboo says as he points to the four corners of the classroom. "Well, there's 5 of us who're going to be streaming. Should one of us do it outside?" Quackity asks, looking at the other four. "I'll go, I don't mind. Besides, there's probably a lot more room out there for me to do an intro." Tubbo says as he gathers his things and heads out the door. And with that, they continued setting up, getting their sets ready.

(I think there should be another thing that I should explain. In order for them not to make too much noise when talking or starting their stream, they have a deafen button on their communicators, making them go completely silent to everyone else but their chat. They can still hear what others are saying, however. That way they can easily talk to their viewers without having to disturb anyone. I should also probably explain more about their communicators since I tend to mention them a lot. The comms are basically just a mix of all their setting and their inventory. They can make it appear and disappear whenever they want. It's kind of like to transparent screens you see in those sci-fi movies? Yknow those??? Well, they're like that. Their comms can also split up into multiple smaller comms, so they can have one little comm just for their chat, one for their inventory, and one for their settings. Hope that clears anything if any of you were confused.)

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