Chapter 26

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Lol, it's 9 pm the time I'm writing this and I'm not tired one bit so imma write more!

Some stuff is going to happen in this chapter, and it's gonna be spicy 😩🙏
I've been anticipating this for a while now, so why not go for it now?! I don't know if I'm going to fit it all in one chapter or split it into two though. Well just have to see for ourselves.


3rd Person P.O.V

          "Your 10 minutes are up. The final battle of today's hero training is about to commence. On your make, get set, go!" Aizawa announces and with that, a siren went off, signaling both teams to begin.

          "Okay let's go! Stick to the plan okay?" Kendo yelled out to her group as they all ran into their field, staying on guard for whatever Dreams and Ranboo are preparing. "Don't tell me what to do sidetail!" Bakugo yells out, moving ahead of his group by using his quirk.

          "Dang, it Bakugo! Do you want to win or not?!" Ochako yelled out, closing her eyes shut, trying to comprehend why Bakugo was still being so stubborn. If he wanted to beat Dream they had to stick to their plan. She quickly got over it though, she had other things to do than being aggravated by Bakugo. "Are all of you from 1-A act like this?! How pathetic! Thinking you guys are all of that!" Monoma mocked, being the one in the back, obviously annoyed by Bakugo as well.

          "Monoma can you let that go for ONE ROUND PLEASE! We don't know what they're planning so we need to be vigilant!" Kendo yelled out, barely a minute into this match and their team was already arguing. Kendo only wonders how things would turn out.

          Ranboo and Dream both ran into the fighting field, making notes of their surroundings. "Reminds me of some sort of Powerplant or factory with all of this metal and pipes. Do you really think this plan will work Dream?" Ranboo asks, running alongside the masked man. "I'm sure of it. If anything, this terrain will only boost it. It's like a maze here. You can sneak up from anywhere as long as your quiet. And you seem to have quite the record of lurking around." Dream replied, turning his head to look at the hybrid. "Touché."

          The two eventually split up in an area that was basically covered to the brim with huge pipes. Dream wondered if there was actual gas or anything within the pipes or if they were just for show. 'I could use this to my advantage if they are real...I'll test it out a bit later,' he thought to himself as he climbed up one of the big pipes, being careful for any of the opposing team is nearby.

           Back over to team Gender Neutral (I'm just going to call them that for this fight. I find it quite funny tbh. There are two men and two women so I just thought it could be a bit humorous;-;) -they finally finished their little argument with each other and stayed as a group. From what they've learned from their previous matches, sticking as a group was a pretty good strategy. If they did ever have to split, it would be 2 and 2. All of them were running along the main route of the powerplant, all being on the lookout for any sort of noise or movements around them.

          "They've watched all of their fights, so they probably have a good idea of what this place looks like. They're probably on higher ground watching. But what sucks for them is that we know the place better." Bakugo claimed, now a lot calmer, storing in his rage for Dream. "Yeah, from what we've seen, Dream is very agile. We have quite a handful of information with Dream but we're close to nothing for Ranboo. The most we have is what exactly he is, but even that there are still questions. We just need to expect the unexpected." Ochako added on, it quickly after, they all went silent. They stood in their tracks, hearing the sound of metal footsteps from higher ground.

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