Chapter 18

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GUESS WHO'S BACK BABY!!!! are we feeling about those huh? No one can really survive a nuke without any other preparation so...the next week or so is going to be interesting! Tubbo really thought outside the box for that idea!

I would have written like...yesterday, but I was too lazy to do so. And...WHY THE HELL DID THEY MAKE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE DREAM SMP ON A GODDAMN WEDNESDAY! MOST OF US HAVE GODDAMN SCHOOL!! if you live in the EST time zone then y'all are probably done or almost done when it starts so good for you guys. But I live in PST so that means it starts like 12. I'D BARELY BE DONE WITH MY SECOND PERIOD! DAMN IT!
so I guess I'm just gonna not pay attention to my classes tomorrow, which honestly isn't much of a difference to what I already do but Meh,



3rd Person P.O.V

          The DreamSMP stayed silent for a bit, not expecting that question to come out of their mouths so soon. They knew it would come eventually, but they didn't know that it would be right now. The loft was silent, tension becoming thicker by the second. Ghostbur opened up his communicator from under the table and quickly sent a whisper message to Dream, asking about what to do. Dream saw the message, thinking of what to say to them. He had to think quickly since he knew that the silence can't last forever. He fidgeted his fingers under the table and finally sent everyone a message.

          'We might as well tell them. Don't reveal too much though.' He wrote. All of them looked down and saw the message, and took some deep breaths, ready to go through multiple cups of tea. Dream cleared his throat with a small cough and spoke up. "Are you sure you really want to know more about us?" He asks, making sure they really want to know everything.

          "Well yes, if you don't mind that is. Wouldn't want to force you guys to tell us anything. We're not villains!" Uraraka said, holding her hands up to her chest. There were about 15 more seconds of silence until someone else spoke. "Well if that's what you want. Umm but before that, you guys might want to get comfortable. You know, get some more snacks or tea. Because this is probably going to take a while." Phil said, scratching the back of his head a bit. 1-A was taken aback by his sentence, not really knowing what he meant, but took his word for it, some getting up and getting more snacks from the kitchen. When everyone was finally settled in, the history lesson finally began.

           "Okay, so we'll basically be explaining the whole history of our home since if we just tell you small stuff, it would leave you all confused. It all started off with Dream. As you guys know, he's the founder and overalls ruler of the DreamSMP, hence the name and stuff. In the beginning, the land he discovered was just for him and his friends to mess around and have fun, but more people soon came to the land. The first "members" of the DreamSMP where Dream, Sapnap, George, BadBoyHalo, Awesamdude, Callahan, Ponk, and Alyssa. They were the first inhabitants of the place." Ghostbur explained, pointing to each of the first members of the SMP. They all gave small little waves at the call of their names, indicating who was who.

(Okay, I have no idea how much I'm going to be explaining in the next couple of chapters. What did I just rope myself in to? The information that I'm going to spill is probably not going to be fully accurate because 1. My memory ain't the best and 2. The lore for the SMP is so goddamn confusing.)

          "One of the first things those eight did on that land was building a structure we call the Community House. It's a place where everyone, no matter the faction, can be at peace. And it's one of the first completed structures in the land so it holds a lot of importance." Ghostbur continued. "Wait, so are you telling me that those seven built an entire house by themselves?" Oijiro asked with an eyebrow raising. "Yup. We built it with our own hands. We gathered our own resources from nature and just went with it. No hardware stores or anything." Sapnap claimed, leaning back against his chair a bit. "Wait, hold on, let me show you guys a picture of it," George says as he opens up his communicator and scrolls through it, trying to find a good picture of the house. He scrolled through for a while before finally finding a good enough picture. He widens up the comm, big enough for everyone to show, and placed it in the middle of the tables, the picture being shown to everyone.

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