Chapter 6

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Ahaha, it's me again 🙄

It's like 11 am where I live rn (or as I'm writing this) and I have to go at like 12 so I only have an hour to speed run this chapter. So it might be kinda sloppy today, sorry.

Also thank you @Lazy-girl27 for the ideas and suggestions, I really appreciate it. I might not be able to fit all of your suggestions, but I will try my best! 😊

Enough talking from me, and let's get on with the chapter


3rd Person P.O.V

          "With our second to the last match, we have Bakugo vs. Dream. You two can get ready while Cementoss goes and fixes the arena." Aizawa says at he looked at the two guys he called. He then looked over at Cementoss, as he nods and heads to the arena as well, using his quirk to smooth out and fill in the craters made by Wilbur. "Well then, it looked like my little request came through. Wish me luck." Dream says, smirking, as he walked away from the DreamTeam and over to where the match will take place.

          "Do your best Bakubro! You got this!" Kirishima says, looking at his best friend. The rest of the Baku squad showers him with compliments, as he chooses to ignore them and just walk off and over to the battleground. Cementoss was able to finish setting up the new arena just in time and now the two were able to get ready for their match. Bakugo did some simple stretches, mostly at his triceps since they tend to ache when he overuses his quirk. And Dream on the other side of the field did the same as every other SMP members matches, setting up a spawn point and placing what they'll need in their hot bar. Dream specifically had this one item on hand that he got from creative mode last minute, and no one knew what that item was.

          "What do you think Dream is gonna pull this time?" Bad asks, sitting on the floor as he watches the green man set up. "Who knows. It might be another one of his 900 IQ plays or something. Or maybe he'll reuse some old trick. It's not like they're going to know what it is either way." Sapnap explains, leaning back a bit, just enough to not lose balance and fall. "Y'know, it'll be funny is he just stayed in creative mode during that whole match, not being able to get hurt and just floating around the whole arena." George giggles out, pointing at Dream.

          "Yeah, but knowing him, he probably won't. That guy loves his PVP." Sapnap says as Aizawa soon announces that the match with beginning shortly. The DreamTeam members heard the announcement and started to pay more attention, wondering what their friend is going to do.

          "That green bitch has something up his sleeve, I just know it," Tommy mutters out, pouting a bit. "You're just upset that he might win 'who can scare the most people' " Technoblade replied to the blonde, wheezing a bit at the end. The teen tries to fight back with an insult but was ineffective as he was cut off by Aizawa.

          "The match will now begin. On my mark. Set. Go!" Aizawa yelled as Bakugo immediately runs towards Dream, his palms releasing small explosions to increase his speed. 'Knowing his explosive personality and ego, that kid can definitely make some big explosions with that quirk of his. Probably bigger than the size of 4 TNT block going off at the same time' Dream thought to himself as he saw Bakugo run to fin quickly. He quickly takes out a Fire Resistance potion that lasted about 8 minutes and quickly chugged it down, potion particles circling around him as he braced for impact. He even got his shield out just in case, along with his axe in his offhand.

          "DIE!" Bakugo yells out as he jumps and tried to his Dream with a large explosion. He lets out a giant boom and jumps back to not get caught in the crossfire. As the smoke from the explosion slowly disappears, he sees that the man in the green sweater was completely fine, not burn marks to anything. 'It's probably that damn thing he drank.' Bakugo thought to himself, immediately figuring out what Dream did. "If that's the case then I should just wear him down until that thing he drunk wears off!" Bakugo exclaimed out loud as runs towards him again to shoot another blast. Dream finally moves out of his spot and runs along the lines of the arena, jumping and dodging all the long-range explosions Bakugo was sending his way.

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