Chapter 32

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Im baaaack!!! After so many months lmao

Fun little facts I can tell you about myself without telling you anything about myself >:))
I got an Invisalign about a day after posting the last chapter, so that's been fun
Uhhh, school started again, no surprise there, it's about that time of year again
I joined the dnd club at my school so that's been my personality for a while now

But that's basically it, my life has been pretty much the same boring shit over and over again.
And another fun fact, I made the bright decision to tell some online friends about this book, because previously no one had ever known that I made this book. And I told my online friends....and now they know...and they might be reading this right now...and if I never upload again it's probably because I died from embarrassment 💪💪

But anyways, onto the chapter shall we??

3rd Person P.O.V

          The next day finally rolled around and as per usual, most of the SMP was slacking around in the common area. Often with around 5 people sprawled around the couch, some over at the dining tables, while others just stood there in silence. It was at that moment that all of them had realized... they were all fucking bored as hell!

          "UGHHHHHH!!!" Tommy groaned as his head stuck out from the side of the coach he was lying on, he'd been staring at a fly on the window closest to him for half an hour now and it was by far the most entertaining thing he's seen all day. All of them weren't in the mood to go out and hang out with 1-A during school time, and they aren't exactly allowed outside the campus, so they were all stuck there.

          Tommy raised his head, quickly shutting his eyes in pain as blood began to rush back into his head. Slowly opening them back, he looks around, seeing the other SMP members look just as bored as he is. But he himself believes that he was the most bored out of all of them. Tommy huffed, trying to figure out what to do. He couldn't blow things up, he'd get in trouble with that chimera freak they call the principal, and he couldn't waltz on out of the school and discover the outside world. It was like he was stuck in another type of limbo.

          "This shit sucks ass bro. One of you guys go and join that weird villain group we fought the other day. I WANT DRAMA!!" Quackity yelled out, getting up from his spot as he furiously scratched his head and his small yellow wings begin to ruffle. His sudden outburst grabbed the attention of everyone else in his vicinity, glad that the long silence was suddenly broken.

         "Well, it can't be me. That dude with spiky black hair and blue fire already asked me and I told him no like 3 separate times. So it'd be odd for me to go. And plus, their morals, are absolute garbage! Even I have better standpoints than them!" Techno  spoke first, looking back at his interaction with Dabi, "Hey Wilbur, why don't you go?"

          "Huh me? Why me???" "Well, you're good with making lore on the spot so I figured you'd be up for the task" "Well...yeah. But those guys kinda creep me out man. You see I'm fine with you guys acting creepy because I know you guys are faking it most of the time, but them!? They're just flat-out weird! Especially that blonde girl." Wilbur and Techno talked back and forth.

          "That blonde girl...I couldn't catch her name but she was really weird. She was able to turn into me and shit. It was all so creepy. AND SHE WAS NAKED TOO! NOT ONLY DID I SEE MYSELF MELT, BUT I SEE HER FUCKING NAKED!" Tommy exclaimed, almost shivering at the thought of reliving that memory again.

          "Aww yeah, that reminds me. How did she manage to do that? I know it's probably her power and all, but there was probably more with that since she was all decked out with knives and shit." Tubbo butted in, looking over at Tommy who also began to wonder as well. "I, well I do remember hanging a cut on my shoulder from the fight, and I got that a bit before we had that whole interaction with that you think it had something to do with that?"

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