Chapter 7

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Hallo! I'm back from my little break!

My god, I got so much sleep last night and the day before 😌
But anyway I'm back with a new chapter, imma try to get back into my writing flow so that chapters can be more constant but I can't fully promise that since I do have to go back to school on the 13th.
Maybe then I'll try to post at least once a week but I'm still unsure.

But enough talk and let's get on with the chapter


3rd Person P.O.V

          "Huh? Part 2? Are you telling me that they've fought before?" Deku asks, looking for an answer in one of the SMP members. They turn around and look at him, only replying with a simple nod and a grin, before looking back. "Wait hold on you two. We should make this fight fair. So to that, we need to set up some ground rules. Obviously, you guys have to stay in survival and to speed up the process a bit, you only get one match to settle the score. You two, make chests and place your items in there, you'll be using the same weapons and items to make it even. The match will end with the last person standing, and when I mean that, I mean to the death." PHILZA explained, getting in between Dream and Technoblade, looking at the two as he explained the battle rules.

          "What?! To the death?! What do you mean by that? You can't kill each other!" Kirishima exclaimed, his voice getting higher due to his nervousness. "Yeah, we can settle this differently! We can just talk it out! Besides, this little argument isn't worth your life!" Deku attempts to explain, trying to convince them to not fight. "Look, Midoriya was it? I hate to break it to you, but you know nothing about us. You know nothing of our past. And a quote from Techno, got I can't believe I'm going to say this. The only universal language is violence." Tommy talked back to the green-haired teen. This left Deku appalled, he was right. They knew nothing of them, they just came today, they're complete strangers.

          "Well then let's make this match more interesting then. Whoever loses this match will lose a canon life? How's that, Technoblade?" Dream asked, tilting his head to the side. Techno takes a small step back, not knowing if he can take the deal or not. After contemplating for a few seconds, he looked directly at Dream, holding his hand out. "Deal." He said as the two then shook hands, sealing the deal. "Well, then that settles it. You two know what to do. Now get ready." Philza said as they nodded, walking to the arena.

          "Oh, this is going to be great! You know what! We need chairs for this!" Sapnap said as he got out some wood from his inventory and crafted some wooden stairs as makeshift chairs. He placed them on the ground, just enough for the rest of the SMP members, and just placed normal woodblocks for the rest of the people there. "Here you go, some chairs for us. And some logs for you guys." Sapnap said as he placed the wood back in his inventory and sat down on one of the stairs. The others followed, sitting down at their seats. 1-A was hesitant at first but was curious about the fight so slowly they took a seat, nervous about what's about to come.

          "Aww if only we had some food. This match is going to need it." Tommy said, leaning against his personal stair. "I mean I have some extra steak and cooked chicken. You can have some if you want." Tubbo said, holding up some chicken and steak. Tommy looked at him with an emotionless expression, still upset at him due to past events but took the food, snatching it away from his hand and turning away, loudly chomping on the steak. Tubbo still looked at him, with the same sad and regretful look he's hand for almost the entire day, he regretted his actions but it was too late to take them back.

          Back to Dream and Technoblade, they each got to their own side of the battlefield, both of them placing their beds at the edge and crafting a chest next to it, placing their items in there. Dream quickly switched to creative mode and got out the items they'll be using to fight. He got out some shields, a normal diamond sword and axe, a crossbow, and a stack of arrows. He threw the items at Technoblade as he picked them up and placed them in his Hotbar. And after a while, the two were ready to fight. Philza soon came to the middle of the arena, wings spread out and everything.

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