Chapter 5

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Hello guys and welcome back to today's chapter! And happy New Year to you guys as well. I'm finally ready to leave this shithole of a year 🚪🚶‍♂️

I'd also like to say that I may not post for the next two days since I'm going to have a little get together with some family friends so I won't have enough time to write. Maybe a small chapter before I leave but I'm unsure.
Sorry 😅

Anywho, I hope you guys like the chapter!


3rd Person P.O.V

There we a couple more fights after Sero and Sato's match which all ended normally. People were settling down once more but still irked about the whole situation with Tommy earlier that afternoon. A match between Mineta and Iida just ended and the students were waiting for the next pair to be announced by Aizawa.

"Alright. The next pair up will be Technoblade and Midoriya. You two get to the arena." Aizawa announced as the two nodded and got ready. "You got this Techno!" The SleepyBois told him as he gave a small smile, happy to know that they're rooting for him. "MAKE SURE YOU DON'T INJURE HIM TOO MUCH! DON'T WANT SOMETHING TO HAPPEN LIKE ON THE 16TH!!!!" George yelled out to the pink-haired man, referring to all the odd times that have happened on the 16th. That statement alone made everyone worried, not knowing what would happen or what had happened on that day George mentioned.

"You got this Midoriya!" Mina yelled out, cheering for her classmate. Many others gave him words of encouragement as he walked up to the arena, along with Techno. The two stretches a bit, loosening their muscles. And Techno went to the edge to set up his spawn point. People kept getting troubled about why they always put beds before they fight but didn't want to ask. And as a final touch, Techno got out a pig mask, that covered the top half of his face.

"No need for armor today." He said, loud enough for everyone to hear. 'Huh? No need for armor? Why's that?' The students and pros though while the SMP members just cackling. "BAHAHAHA!! HE REALLY JUST CALLED HIM WEAK IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE I CAN'T-!" Dream wheezed out as he fell to the floor, pounding the dirt floor with his fist. The other just looked at them, most being upset since they just called Midoriya weak. "Don't talk about Midoriya like that! He's extremely powerful! Apologize right this instant!" Iida yelled out, doing his robotic arm chop at the laughing guys. Despite Iida's yelling, they didn't apologize and just stopped laughing immediately and glared at him. "You really have seen nothing yet," Phil said, pointing to Techno with his thumb. Everyone then turns to Technoblade seeing him with an evil smile plastered on his face.

'Why does that smile look so familiar' 1-A thought, the memory finally hit them as they looked at Bakugo. The Pomeranian looked at then oddly, before exploding with anger. Shouting at all of them saying that he doesn't look like that. He soon calmed down and it was finally ready for the match to start. 'Alright Izuku, you got this. You've trained for almost a year and a half now. You've fought many villains and broke many bones. We got this!....but at the same time, I don't know what he's capable of. He might have even trained more than I have.' Deku thought to himself as he got into a battle stance. Technoblade, on the other side of the arena, still hasn't gotten rid of his smirk, as the voices in his head give him words of encouragement.

'BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!' 'SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!' 'TECHNOSUPPORT' the voices will yell as the pig man's ego only grows stronger. "Alright, are you two ready? On my mark. Set. Go!" Aizawa yelled as the two ran to the middle, trying to land the first hit on each other. They get to the middle and Midoriya immediately tried to go in with a kick, he charges OFA all around his body as he aims for Techno's neck, only for his leg to hit the mans arm. On Technoblade's off-hand, he brings out the Netherite Pickaxe he named 'Toothpick' and went for Deku's arm, giving him a deep cut. Deku jumps back in pain, latching onto his injured arm, but as adrenaline-filled him, the pain went away. He ran to try to get another hit and was successful this time, kicking Techno at his side. Techno muttered a curse as he brings multiple splash potions out of his inventory. He runs to get enough space to not hit Midoriya, and threw them on the floor, now having the same particles float around him like with Tommy.

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