Chapter 13

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Well shit I guess we at 5k reads now lol

I guess imma be doing that q&a shit other authors do so you guys can leave questions right here if y'all are interested. Don't know when exactly the q&a will be released but just know it's coming eventually 😳
(*cough* *cough* please ask me question lol *cough*)

N E ways, the new Tales Of The SMP is coming later and ya girl is excited. A pirate-themed beach episode...say less 🤠
Bruh and I have to go back to school in like 4 days so that also sucks ass.

But other than that, onto the chapter!


3rd Person P.O.V

          "Our school is under attack by villains!" Aizawa tells them as he quickly walks up to the group, trying to be as calm as possible. "Villains? As in...people trying to fight you guys?" Technoblade asks, an eyebrow-raising and a small grin appearing on his face. Aizawa looks at him and nods, which causes everyone else to have the same grin on Techno's face. "Well, guess we're fighting them then." Dream says as he pulls out his axe. "What?! You guys can't fight them! You guys should go and hide!" Aizawa says, looking around the group of people.

"Uhhh did you not see all of us fighting yesterday? Did none of that mean anything to you?" Tommy says, staring at the pro hero. Aizawa looks at him, remembering how each of them could probably beat their asses in less than 5 minutes. "Those villains will be gone sooner if you let us fight them." Technoblade proposes, holding his hand out, trying to make a deal with the hero. Aizawa hesitates, thinking about what could happen if they let them all on the battlefield. "What about the teens? They have to stay inside." Aizawa asks, looking at the minors in the group.

"I am offended! I'll have you now good sir that each and every one of us has been through at least one war! And looks at us! We're all still here and alive. So let me tell you, crummy man, we got this." Tommy says, putting his hand on Aizawa's shoulder. Aizawa thinks for a bit longer, then shakes Techno's hand, sealing the deal. "Well then that settles it, you guys know what to do. Set your spawn points and get out your best weapons. We're not going to show them any mercy!" Dream announces as he looks at every SMP member. They all nod at his instructions, all of them heading to their dorms to get everything set.

"Just so we're clear. You cannot kill any of them. You only need to knock them out and capture them. Nothing more, nothing less. Got it?" Aizawa tells Dream as he tries to walk away. Dream looks over at him and nods. Aizawa nods back and runs out the door, his hair and scarf now floating. Dream quickly headed to his dorm to them get ready. After about 3 minutes, everyone met back up at the loft, quickly discussing some sort of plan.

"Alright, guys. You all have your spawn points set?" Dream asks as they all nod back at him. "Okay then, we should spread out in out factions. If any of you are factionless, then all of you join into one group. We will attack them from all directors. They have no information about us so we can get them at full force. Oh and I should probably say this, but that Aizawa dude said we can't kill any of them. The only stuff we can do is knock them out and trap them. Nothing else." Dream explains, all of them agreeing with his words.

"And one last thing. Just for this little occasion. I think I'll stream the fight. It'll sure surprise everyone. You guys can stay in your RP persona, that's all fine. Just aim for the villains." Dream says as he pulls out his communicator and quickly sets up his stream in seconds, already ready to stream it. " does that mean I can't summon a wither?" Technoblade asks sadly as he held should sand and wither skulls in his hand. "Well...we'll have to see. They cause lots of damage and will attack anyone so it can be very risky. Keep them on hand though. We don't know how strong they are." Dream replies to his rival. And with that, they all head out the main door, looking around for the villains.

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