Chapter 12

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Holy fucking shit. I'm number one in the crossover fanfiction tag...LET'S FUCKING GO MAN!

Thank you guys so much! Was really not expecting any of this. And I'm at 4K reads already? Just like yesterday, I was at 2k? I was planning on doing something like a q&a at 5k cuz I thought it would take a while to get there...guess I was wrong lol. Still unsure if I should actually do it though.

(Oh I should also probably mention that the chats in this story do also know it's all RP and that the people in BNHA have no idea about it. And because chat is just as despicable as everyone else, they're going along with it.)
Anyways, onto the chapter!


3rd Person P.O.V

          "You need to talk to me?" Tommy asks, raising a brow at the president. Tubbo nods in response, as Tommy gets up from his seat and walks towards Tubbo, standing right in front of him, keeping about 2 feet distance from him. "Well, I'm right here. Now, what do you want?" Tommy asks, glaring at his ex-best friend. "I...I wanted to apologize. For everything. About exiling you. About yelling at you about the disks...about everything. I'm so so sorry Tommy." Tubbo admitted, tears forming at the edge of his eyes. Tommy only looks at him as the president began to tear up.

          "are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?! You want to apologize NOW! After the damage was already done and settled in! Like hell, I'd accept an apology like that! You had so many chances to visit me! I made a whole path just for others to visit! I DID SO MUCH! JUST SO SOMEONE CAN VISIT ME!" Tommy yelled out, causing the cafeteria to go silent. Tubbo looked at him, his eyes were wide open in disbelief. "I EVEN INVITED YOU TO MY PARTY! IN FACT! I INVITED EVERYONE TO COME! BUT GUESS WHAT?! ONLY ONE PERSON CAME! AND DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO THAT PERSON WAS?! DREAM! FUCKING DREAM! HE WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAME TO MY PARTY!!" Tommy screamed out, his own tears forming and falling from his eyes.

         "Party? What party? I don't remember any of us getting an invitation to a party." Tubbo furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at the blonde. "FUCKING BULLSHIT!! DREAM SAID THAT GHOSTBUR GAVE OUT ALL THE INVITATIONS!! HE EVEN SAID THAT GHOSTBUR TOLD YOU PERSONALLY!! AND YET YOU DIDNT EVEN COME! I ONLY ASKED FOR ONE THING! FOR SOMEONE TO BE THERE FOR ME DURING MY EXILE!" Tommy yelled, gripping onto his chest. Tubbo was left speechless. He didn't know what to tell him. He never got an invitation. Hell, he hasn't even seen Show but until they all went through the portal. "Tommy I'm telling you! We never got an invitation! I haven't even seen Ghostbur back in L'manburg! I've only seen him when we got to this school!" Tubbo replied to Tommy, trying to explain everything to him, but it didn't seem to be getting through him.

          "You know, Tubbo. You could have just told me that you don't care about me anymore. Any of you in L'manburg could have just told me that none of you care for me anymore! The only person that has ever cared for me while I was in exile was fucking Dream! THE ONE THAT CAUSED THIS TO BOTH OF US! AND I HATE TO ADMIT IT, BUT DREAM HAS BEEN A BETTER FRIEND THAN YOU COULD EVER BE!" Tommy cried, a river of tears coming out of his eyes as they fell onto his shirt and onto the floor. Tubbo took a step back, not believing what Tommy just said to him.

          "A better friend? A BETTER FRIEND! TOMMY, DREAM WAS THE CAUSE OF ALL OF THIS! I EXILED YOU FOR A REASON! AND I REGRET IT! I REGRET IT SO MUCH TOMMY! I TRIED TO VISIT YOU ONCE BUT WHEN I GOT THERE EVERYTHING WAS DESTROYED! LOGSTEDSHIRE AND T'NRET WERE ALL BLOWN UP TO FLAMES! AND THEN I SAW THE PILLAR NEXT TO LOGSTEDSHIRE! I THOUGHT YOU KILLED YOURSELF TOMMY!" Tubbo screamed at the tall blonde, taking a few steps forward towards Tommy. At this point, everyone was just staring at the both of them. L'manburg would intervene, but they wouldn't know what to say. They knew Tommy was upset with them as well. Techno couldn't step in but didn't want all the sudden attention all on him. And obviously, Dream couldn't intervene, he found it entertaining.

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