Chapter 29

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uhhhh I'm not dead, just my motivation dying for a couple of months now, but I'm back...because I'm bored and have nothing else to do. plus this hasn't been updated ever since September which is a bit concerning on your guys' part.

But other than that I don't really have anything else to say so I'll leave you to the chapter at hand :)


3rd Person P.O.V.

It was the end of the day and all of 1-A has finally made it back into their dorms, small conversations between friends groups being exchanged here and there. But other than that everyone was dead silent, especially Uraraka and Bakugo. They had their asses beat and couldn't fully process what had happened just a few hours prior. The silence only continued on but was broken at a forced cough from Iida.

"I believe it is best that we call a class meeting. I know it's getting rather late and you all are exhausted, but I feel like we must address the elephant in the room." He says, fixing his glasses as he looked at his class

"For once I agree with four-eyes. I want to talk about that bastard Dream. There's something off about him, and we all know damn well he's hiding something." Bakugo added on, scoffing as he headed to the shared loft, sitting down at one of the couches there,p. His classmates soon followed, all positioning themselves in a circle as their meeting began.

"I feel like we should first talk about Dream, as he's the one we've seen the most so far in these last couple of days. But I would also like to talk about Tommy and a couple of others." Deku started off, pulling out his notebook from his bag. He scrolled through the pages until he got to the section of notes he has on the new visitors. "I had to take a couple of these in secret or when they weren't around, since Dream did say he didn't want us writing stuff down about them. But I think I have some evidence of his odd behavior." The teen continued on, placing his notebook on a small round table in the middle of all the seats, in display for his classmates to see.

"If you don't mind, can you share what you have so far?" Momo asked and Deku quickly nodded and continued on with his observations. "Well first of all, and common knowledge to all of us, we barely know what he looks like. But we did see his mask crack today so the one who has probably seen at least a bit of his face would be Kaachan. Kaachan?" Deku stopped, looking at his old childhood friend, who scoffed but soon replied.

"Yeah I saw a bit, but not much. The crack that was made was just enough to see a part of his eyes and mouth. He has green eyes, like neon green. They were practically glowing when I saw it, creepy as hell. And just like his damn mask, he had a grin as well. This guy is basically as cocky like me and it's pissing me off." Bakugo explained, leaning against the cushions once he finished.

"Glowing green eyes...interesting. I don't think lighting has anything to do with this but it might just be something he's born with. And he also claims that he's quirkless so that's also off the table..." Deku muttered out, just loud enough for the others to hear.

"Yeah I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that he's quirkless. For that matter, everyone so far that claims they were quirkless. There's no way those screens that they can bring up are just technology. Even scientists from I-Island can't recreate what they have. And alchemy is also a far-fetched idea." Sero added, a bit irked about what the others had claimed to be or have.

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