Chapter 51: It's Britney Bitch

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51. It's Britney Bitch

Ever since my initial thought, I couldn't shake the possibility of Aaron being a famous DJ out of my mind. It was crazy, I know. Aaron, the boy who wanted nothing to do with even remotely being known by anybody.

But what if it wasn't so crazy?

I would have never guessed it, ever, but then again I never had any reason to. Now though, all the puzzle pieces seemed to fit together perfectly because I had the big picture on the box to look at.

I mean, think about it.

Aaron always said that he didn't really like Apollo's music and thought he was cliché, and so didn't want to go to concerts with me if he was just going to be a downer. What if he only acted that way because he couldn't be in two places at once? With me, and on stage.

I tell Aaron I like the color pink on him, and what does Apollo do? Switches out his signature black hoodies for pink ones!

It would explain how savvy he was when it came to music. I mean he played how many instruments again? Nobody who was that good would think of music as just a hobby and express no interest in doing something related. He was good at art too, but maybe it was easier to present himself as a jack of all trades than to be seen as a master of one. Nobody would guess it easily. Look at me, I just thought he was good at everything so I never paid attention to how good he was at that one.

And maybe he really was staring at me that time I went to a concert with Sienna.

My mind was all over the place. I wasn't stupid, I could figure out stuff if I tried. I always called bullshit whenever he said he was 'helping Justin out', but I never guessed that was the reason why. Why wouldn't he tell me after everything? Did he not trust me?

A knock resounded from behind my bedroom door, breaking my train of thoughts.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Britney bitch."

A grin crept onto my face when I recognized the voice. She opened the door and I immediately threw myself at her in an embrace.

"Alright, alright, you're crushing my bones," Shannon laughed.

I stepped back in laughter myself. "I just missed you a lot."

"I missed you too," she said, before falling back onto my beanbag chair. "So, anything new and interesting?"

I thought about what I'd been thinking about and shook my head. If Aaron was indeed a famous DJ, then that was his secret to tell.


"Bullshit," she said, making my heart skip a beat. "You and Smith are on L-word terms now, that's worth discussing."

I chuckled.

"I meant what I said," she went on. "Call Sienna, let's turn this bitch into a slumber party, and have you tell us everything."

I pulled out my phone with a grin still plastered across my face. Yeah, I missed my best friend.

Sienna and Shannon forced every detail out of me before telling us about her winter wonderland romance with her ski instructor.

"His name is Julian, and he got a job at the lodge while he takes a gap year before going off to college in the fall," she said, before falling onto my bed with a heavy sigh.

Sienna and I eyed each other suspiciously and smirked.

"Are you guys going to keep in touch?" I asked, braiding a section of my hair while sitting in front of my mirrored closet door.

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