Chapter 22: Incompetent, Unskillful, Inexpert

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22. Incompetent, Unskillful, Inexpert

I didn't see Aaron the next day at school and frankly I was relieved. Admitting to myself that I actually liked him freaked me out. Shannon was right, I had never felt this way about anyone before. Yeah sure, I'd seen a couple of guys, thought they were cute, but I had never been this emotionally attached to a person like I was to Aaron. And it didn't help that he was off getting himself a girlfriend.

Damn Clarissa.

Okay, maybe not damn Clarissa. I mean I did contribute to him asking her out. If I had known weeks ago that I'd be here unable to get him out of my mind I would have slapped myself silly for even suggesting that he ask her out.

I hadn't told Shannon yet though. Knowing her she'd scream her insides out and jump to the moon in excitement. And if I told her well...then it would be  too real. I at least needed to figure out how to deal with this before telling her.

When I got home, I went straight to my room. So far I had been successful in avoiding my mom and sister, though it wasn't that hard. I mean they were barely in the house seeing as they had their careers keeping them busy.

As of now, I was sitting cross-legged on my bed listening to music on Aaron's iPod at the same time writing an essay.

Then there was a knock at my door.


I rolled my eyes and continued with what I was doing.

"Morgan open this door right now," my mother demanded.

Again, I ignored.

She lost patience and walked in anyway.

"Morgan Nicole will you suck up that attitude and speak to me?" she said.

Why don't you suck up yours?

If I said that out loud I'd be dead, so I just turned up the volume on the iPod, allowing Stevie Wonder's voice to drown whatever noise was around me. Aaron listened to a lot of old music. He was an old soul, and I liked that.


"What, mom?" I sighed. "What do you want me to say?"

"Well for starters you can acknowledge the fact that there are other people in this house," she said.

"You're never here anyway," I retorted. "The only reason you come around is so you can tell me whatever it is you're making me do next. So just get on with it mother, what's the next function where I can embarrass this family more than I already do?"

I was slowly becoming fed up and it was starting to show.

She stared at me before speaking. "It's another shoot."

I nodded, looking down at my paper. "Okay."

"With Josh," she added, making me clutch the pencil I was holding tightly.


If there was an award for not losing your shit I think I would have earned it.

"Okay?" she questioned. "Is that all you have to say?"

I sighed and dropped everything before getting off my bed.

"And where are you going?" she questioned.

I shrugged. "Out."

"You have a curfew," she stated.

I let out an exasperated sigh. "A curfew at four in the afternoon? I told you, I'm not going to be kept here."

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